
What causes emotional turmoil?

What causes emotional turmoil?

Among the many possible causes of emotional distress at home are personal or environmental factors, such as: experiencing relationship problems with partners, other family members, or friends. undergoing major life changes, such as moving home or having a child.

What is emotional problem?

It might be that something has happened in a person’s life and they are overwhelmed with their emotional reaction. The following can be emotional problem areas; Suppression of emotions. The person does not want to feel or talk about emotions and does not have the right outlets for expressing their feelings.

What is the cause of emotional problems?

Stressful life situations, such as financial problems, a loved one’s death or a divorce. An ongoing (chronic) medical condition, such as diabetes. Brain damage as a result of a serious injury (traumatic brain injury), such as a violent blow to the head. Traumatic experiences, such as military combat or assault.

What is emotionally disturbed child?

Emotionally disturbed children have an inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. They may be unable to develop and keep appropriate, satisfactory social relationships with family, peers, and adults in the school system.

What are the most common emotional problems?

By far, the two most common emotional disorders are depression and anxiety disorders. Depression has two main symptoms that can occur alone or together. These are sadness (feeling down or blue), and difficulty feeling pleasure or having little interest in doing the things that you typically enjoy.

What is the most difficult mental illness?

“Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self-image, and functioning.

What country has the lowest mental health issues?

The least depressed is Japan, with a diagnosed rate of less than 2.5 percent. The researchers also quantified the national “burden” of depression using a metric called DALY — disability-adjusted life years, or the number of healthy years a person loses because of depression or a depression-related premature death.

What country has the highest rate of anxiety?

On February 23, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a survey1 on the two most common psychiatric illnesses affecting the world population: depressive and anxiety disorders. According to this survey, Brazil leads the world in prevalence of anxiety disorders and ranks fifth in depression rates.

Who is more prone to bipolar disorder?

Bipolar II disorder, which is predominated by depressive episodes, also appears to be more common in women than men. Comorbidity of medical and psychiatric disorders is more common in women than men and adversely affects recovery from bipolar disorder more often in women.