
What band was Michael Lamper in?

What band was Michael Lamper in?

Steely Jam band

What happened Michael Lamper?

The actress’ husband, Michael Lamper, passed away on December 8, 2019, at the age of 61. She said that he died peacefully in his sleep. Lamper was recognizable by his cameo on his wife’s show and famous for his music career.

Is Michael Lamper dead?


Does Marina Sirtis have a daughter?

Since 2013, Sirtis has played the recurring role of Orli Elbaz, Director of Mossad, on NCIS. In her most recent appearance, in the 13th season episode “Family First,” Sirtis/Elbas dropped the bombshell news that after Ziva’s departure from NCIS, she and Tony DiNozzo had a child together, a daughter they named Tali.

Did 7 of 9 Wear a corset?

Ryan wore the silver suit for a few episodes, but it was retired because of the many issues it caused for the actress. In addition, not only did the corset prevent Ryan from bending but it took her 20 minutes to go to the bathroom, and production would need to be halted just so the actress could relieve herself.

Why did Janeway killed Tuvix?

At the end of the episode, after much ethical debate, Captain Janeway decides that the malfunction is to be recreated to split Tuvix back into Tuvok and Neelix. This decision is frequently debated on STSP.

Why did they kill off Kes on Voyager?

Berman and Taylor chose to remove Kes since they felt the character was not properly developed over the course of the show. Executive producer Brannon Braga regarded this decision as a “failure of imagination on the writers’ part”.

Does the doctor really sing in Voyager?

Picardo is an accomplished singer. While he was at Yale University, he was a member of the Society of Orpheus and Bacchus, the second longest running undergraduate a cappella group in the United States. His singing has also been incorporated into his role in Star Trek: Voyager. He actually sang!

How do Borg reproduce?

The Borg have two ways of reproduction. Method one is assimilation and the other is creating infants. The creating of Borg infants takes longer than the assimilation of entire worlds because they have to be gestated and then raised until they’re old enough to become drones.

How did the Borg Queen survive?

In Star Trek: Voyager’s series finale, “Endgame”, a future version of Admiral Janeway tricked the Borg Queen and infected her with a neurolytic pathogen, which spread to the Collective. This is technology the Borg assimilated from the Sikarians of the Delta Quadrant, a race introduced on Star Trek: Voyager.