
What are the synonyms for distraught?

What are the synonyms for distraught?

other words for distraught

  • anxious.
  • concerned.
  • confused.
  • crazy.
  • distressed.
  • frantic.
  • mad.
  • perturbed.

How do you use distraught in a simple sentence?

1 Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone. 2 Weeks after the accident she remained distraught. 3 Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents. 4 His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives.

What distribute means?

distribute, dispense, divide, deal, dole out mean to give out, usually in shares, to each member of a group. distribute implies an apportioning by separation of something into parts, units, or amounts.

What is the definition of scrupulously?

1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper. 2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking working with scrupulous care.

What is the meaning of the word hostility?

1 : an unfriendly or hostile state, attitude, or action They showed no hostility toward strangers. 2 hostilities plural : acts of warfare. hostility.

What is the synonym of Urge?

SYNONYMS. encourage, try to persuade, enjoin, adjure, admonish, press, prompt, prod, goad, egg on, spur, push, pressure, put pressure on, use pressure on, pressurize, lean on. dragoon, constrain. entreat, exhort, implore, call on, appeal, beg, beseech, plead, nag.

How do you use cajole in a sentence?

(1) It is difficult to cajole him into consent. (2) He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants. (3) I managed to cajole his address out of them. (4) Aid workers do their best to cajole rich countries into helping.

What cudgel means?

: to beat with or as if with a cudgel. cudgel one’s brains. : to think hard (as for a solution to a problem)

What means evoke?

transitive verb. 1 : to call forth or up: such as. a : to bring to mind or recollection this place evokes memories. b : to cite especially with approval or for support : invoke.

What is the meaning of despise?

transitive verb. 1 : to look down on with disrespect or aversion despised the weak. 2 : to regard as negligible, worthless, or distasteful despises organized religion.

Which is worse hate or despise?

“Despise” is a stronger word than “hate”. When you say that you despise someone, it implies that you “hate” that person, but it also carries with it the sense that you have contempt for him/her. The word “hate” does not carry with it this negative connotation. You can hate someone who is superior to you.

What does Ferious mean?

adjective. savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating. extreme or intense: a ferocious thirst.

What is the difference between invoke and evoke?

The difference between the two could be summarised like this: Invoke is active and direct, and it can have a material effect; Evoke is passive and indirect, and it usually has an emotional or intellectual effect.

What does evoke most likely mean?

The verb evoke most commonly means to bring a feeling, memory, or picture into the mind. When you visit your old elementary school, the smells, sounds, and colors there can evoke memories from the past.