What are the factors of 9x² 16y²?

What are the factors of 9x² 16y²?

Therefore, the factor of 9x² – 16y² is (3x – 4y) (3x + 4y).

What does a negative discriminant tell us about the solutions to a quadratic function?

The discriminant can be positive, zero, or negative, and this determines how many solutions there are to the given quadratic equation. A negative discriminant indicates that neither of the solutions are real numbers.

What if the discriminant is less than zero?

If the discriminant of a quadratic function is less than zero, that function has no real roots, and the parabola it represents does not intersect the x-axis.

How many solutions does a discriminant of 0 have?

two solutions

How many real solutions are there if the value of k 0?

SQUARE ROOT PROPERTY The solution set of x 2= k is {√ k -√ k }. This solution set is often abbreviated as {± √ k }. Both solutions are real if k >0 and imaginary if k <0. (If k =0, there is only one distinct solution, sometimes called a double solution.)

Is R 25 0 A linear equation?

Answer. No its not a linear equation because it is a quadratic equation.

What is K in an equation?

Since k is constant (the same for every point), we can find k when given any point by dividing the y-coordinate by the x-coordinate. For example, if y varies directly as x, and y = 6 when x = 2, the constant of variation is k = = 3. Thus, the equation describing this direct variation is y = 3x.

What is K value in thermodynamics?

The K value, also called the bending limit, of a cyclotron is the ratio between achievable energy and the charge-to-mass ratio according to , where is the kinetic energy of the particle, the atomic mass number and the charge.

What is K in a polynomial?

Key Concepts. To find f(k) , determine the remainder of the polynomial f(x) when it is divided by x−k . k is a zero of f(x) if and only if (x−k) is a factor of f(x) . Synthetic division can be used to find the zeros of a polynomial function.

What is the value of K in the polynomial x2 8x K?

The value of k is 7.

What is the value of i n if the remainder of N 4 is 3?

Answer: so simple! n÷4=remainder 3. 2n÷4=3×2=6.

How do you find the remainder when FX is divided by XK?

Remainder Theorem: If a polynomial f(x) is divided by x-k, then the remainder is r = f(k).

What is K in Remainder Theorem?

If the polynomial is divided by x – k, the remainder may be found quickly by evaluating the polynomial function at k, that is, f(k) Let’s walk through the proof of the theorem. In other words, f(k) is the remainder obtained by dividing f(x) by x – k.

What is the remainder theorem formula?

The Remainder Theorem starts with an unnamed polynomial p(x), where “p(x)” just means “some polynomial p whose variable is x”. If you get a remainder, you do the multiplication and then add the remainder back in. For instance, since 13 ÷ 5 = 2 R 3, then 13 = 5 × 2 + 3. This process works the same way with polynomials.

Can the remainder be negative?

Remainder can never be a negative number. Remainder is something you get when you divide a number by another number and the number isn’t a multiple of the other number. So, while dividing, something will get left out. Getting left out certainly means that the number left out (remainder) is positive, and not negative.