What are the colors of the Orishas?

What are the colors of the Orishas?

His colors are green, red, white and yellow. He is most often associated with Pope St. Sylvester I, but he is also sometimes associated with St. John, St.

What do green and yellow beads mean in Santeria?

ORULA: Colors [Yellow and green] the Orisha of Divination and Wisdom represent health and protection spiritual sickness. ORULA: Colors [Yellow and green] the Orisha of Divination and Wisdom represent health and protection spiritual sickness.

What do red and black beads mean?

Large and colorful beads symbolize wealth and social status. Red beads are reserved for ceremonies like tribal festivals, funerals, circumcisions of young boys and harvest dances. Black implies age and wisdom.

Which Orisha is green and yellow?

Orisha Domain Colors
Olokún Ocean Dark blue, red, coral, green
Nana Burukú Lagoon Black, mauve
Oshún River Amber, yellow, coral
Orúnmila Divination Yellow, green

What Orisha day is Friday?

Calendar terminologies

ȮSĖ in Yoruba calendar Day in Gregorian calendar
Ọjọ́-Ìṣẹgun Tuesday
Ọjọ́-Irú Wednesday
O̩jọ́-Bọ́ Thursday
O̩jó̩-Ẹtì Friday

Who is Chango in the Santeria religion?

Shango, also called Chango, major deity of the religion of the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. He also figures in the religion of the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria, who refer to him as Esango, and in the religion of the Fon people of Benin, who call him Sogbo or Ebioso.

What is a ESHU elegua?

Eshu (aka Elegba and Elegua) is the orisha of chance and uncertainty. Known as the “trickster,” he lurks at gateways and doorways to introduce chaos and accident into the lives of humans.

What kind of religion is Santeria?

Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the Rule of Osha. Santeria is a syncretic religion that grew out of the slave trade in Cuba.

What is La Mano de Orula?

“Mano de Orula is a three-day ceremony that I went through. That is what the bracelet means. It is a process in which you find out your own individual destiny. You find out what your individual life is about, what it means, and then how you should live to fulfill that specific destiny.