What are the audience in a courtroom called?

What are the audience in a courtroom called?

The Gallery Most courtrooms have a spectator area in the back, often separated by a “bar” or partition from the rest of the courtroom. Members of the public, including those who come to court to support a family member or friend, sit in this area.

What is the layout of the courtroom in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The courtroom is on the second floor of the building, but there are two levels to it. White people sit on the main floor while black people are only allowed to sit in the balcony. Due to the large crowd, the main floor fills up, and the kids decide to sit with Reverend Sykes in the balcony.

How is the courtroom arranged differently than courtrooms today?

How is the arrangement of the courtroom then different from modern courtrooms today? The Courtrooms today aren´t split up into different sections as the courtrooms were in the 1920´s. Black and white people are together today. Why does Atticus ask whether anyone called for a doctor?

What is a judge’s bench called?

The term “full bench” is used when all the judges of a certain court sit together to decide a case, as in the phrase “before the full bench”, which is also referred to as “en banc”. The bench is usually an elevated desk area that allows a judge to view the entire courtroom.

What does the courtroom symbolize in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The columns of the courthouse are symbolic because they do not represent truth and justice. To represent truth and justice, the columns require humanity. Atticus Finch’s defense of Tom Robinson represents that humanity.

Who was in the courtroom in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Summary: Chapter 16 People from all over the county flood the town. Everyone makes an appearance in the courtroom, from Miss Stephanie Crawford to Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a wealthy eccentric who owns land on a river bank, lives near the county line, is involved with a Black woman, and has mulatto children.

Who is the first person to take the stand?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Sherriff Heck Tate is the first person called to the witness stand. The prosecutor asks Sherriff Tate to tell him about the crime. Heck Tate tells the court what Bob Ewell told him. Bob claims a black man came in and attacked Mayella and raped her.