What are flagpole interactions?

What are flagpole interactions?

Re: flagpole interaction The flagpole interactions are specifically for the hydrogens or substituents that take up the two axial up positions, thus why they are flagpoles. Due to the boat conformation being this shape, it produces two axial up positions that look like flagpoles and result in steric strain.

Which cyclohexane conformation has the highest energy?

The chair conformation is the most stable conformer. At 25 °C, 99.99% of all molecules in a cyclohexane solution adopt this conformation.

Is boat more stable than chair?

The chair conformation has more stability than the boat conformation.

Which Cycloalkane has the greatest ring strain?


Which cyclohexane derivative is the least stable?

Which conformation of cyclohexane is the least stable? Boat conformation is the least stable, with the highest strength, has steric hindrance on carbon 1 and carbon 4 between the two equatorial hydrogens, and has torsional stress, as each bond almost fully ellipses other bonds in the Newman projection.

How do you know which conformation is most stable?

To find the most stable conformation, we choose the form with the least number of large axial groups; the least stable will have the most number of axial groups.

How do you know if a conformer is stable?

  1. A conformation in which both substituents are equatorial will always be more stable than a conformation with both groups axial.
  2. When one substituent is axial and the other is equatorial, the most stable conformation will be the one with the bulkiest substituent in the equatorial position.

Which is the most stable conformation of 2/3 Dimethylbutane?

It is most stable conformer as, it has minimum gauche interaction while in other two −CH3​ group are present which have significant gauche interaction.

Is gauche or eclipsed more stable?

The gauche form is less stable than the anti form due to steric hindrance between the two methyl groups but still is more stable than the eclipsed formations. Such an interaction is often referred to as a gauche-butane interaction because butane is the first alkane discovered to exhibit such an effect.

Is staggered or eclipsed more stable?

…with respect to the other—the eclipsed conformation is the least stable, and the staggered conformation is the most stable. The eclipsed conformation is said to suffer torsional strain because of repulsive forces between electron pairs in the C―H bonds of adjacent carbons.

What is the difference between staggered and eclipsed?

These structures give the structure of a molecule when looked through the carbon backbone from front-back direction. The main difference between staggered conformation and eclipsed conformation is that staggered conformation has a lower potential energy whereas eclipsed conformation has the maximum potential energy.

Which Newman projection has the lowest energy?

The lowest energy conformation of ethane, shown in the figure above, is called the ‘staggered’ conformation: all of the dihedral angles are 60o, and the distance between the front and back C-H bonds is maximized.

What is the energy difference between the eclipsed conformations?

The energy of the eclipsed conformation is approximately 3 kcal/mol (12 kJ/mol) higher than that of the staggered conformation. Torsional strain (or eclipsing strain) is the name give to the energy difference caused by the increased electrostatic repulsion of eclipsing bonds.

Which position is more stable axial or equatorial?

When the methyl group in the structure above occupies an axial position it suffers steric crowding by the two axial hydrogens located on the same side of the ring. The conformation in which the methyl group is equatorial is more stable, and thus the equilibrium lies in this direction.

What is the difference between axial line and equatorial line?

1 Answer. Axial line – A line joining the two charges and passing through the centre of dipole is called its axial line. Equatorial line- A line passing through the centre of the dipole and perpendicular to the axial line is called equatorial line.

Why is axial more stable than Equatorial?

Because axial bonds are parallel to each other, substituents larger than hydrogen generally suffer greater steric crowding when they are oriented axial rather than equatorial. Consequently, substituted cyclohexanes will preferentially adopt conformations in which the larger substituents assume equatorial orientation.

How can you tell the difference between axial and equatorial?

Axial bonds alternate up and down, and are shown “vertical”. Equatorial groups are approximately horizontal, but actually somewhat distorted from that (slightly up or slightly down), so that the angle from the axial group is a bit more than a right angle — reflecting the common 109.5o bond angle.

Is axial up or down?

It’s easy to see that the axial groups which point to 12 o’clock are “up” and and groups which point to 6 o’clock are considered “down”.

Is axial or equatorial more reactive?

1 Answer. In compund 2, both substituents can be placed in equatorial positions, whereas in 1 the Cl group is forced into an axial position since the bulky t-butyl group has to be placed equatorial. This makes compound 1 more unstable (higher energy), leading to a faster rate of formation of the carbocation.

What is the angle between axial and equatorial?

1. At axial point the angle is 0°. 2. At equatorial point the angle is 180°.