
Was Darth Vader a Sith master?

Was Darth Vader a Sith master?

Though Darth Vader never attained the rank of Sith Master, he secretly instructed his own Sith apprentice in a plot to overthrow the Emperor.

Who was Anakin’s master?


Why did Ben die after saving Rey?

Reddit user IGotADashCam theorizes that Ben/Kylo didn’t save Rey at all. Instead, it was Leia working through her son – that’s why he disappears so quickly after healing Rey.

Was Rey pregnant in Star Wars?

Star Wars 9 ending: ‘Rey is PREGNANT by Kylo Ren’ in final scenes.

Who is Rey’s love interest?

She is the love interest of Ben Solo / Kylo Ren, who is the central antagonist later turned into the deuteragonist of the sequel trilogy. This canon ship is called Reylo by the fans. Rey is played by Daisy Ridley.

Does Finn Love Rose or Rey?

The two characters are not romantically involved in “The Force Awakens” movie, but Foster said Abrams’ screenplay was “obviously the beginnings of a relationship” between Finn and Rey.

Why was Rose not in rise of Skywalker?

‘Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker’ Cut Rose Tico’s Role Due To Carrie Fisher CGI, Says Writer. News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet.

Are Finn and Poe dating?

Boyega confirmed that Finn and Poe’s relationship in the franchise was platonic but added the two “always had a quite loving and open relationship in which it wouldn’t be too weird if it went beyond it.”

Did Poe and Finn kiss?

Early viewers of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” spotted a scene with a significant kiss — but not between the characters fans were hoping for: Finn and Poe. Still, the peck between them is reportedly the first same-sex kiss in the franchise’s history.

How does KYLO Ren die?

So how did Kylo Ren die? In The Rise of Skywalker, Kylo Ren almost died three times before he finally became one with the Force. The first time, Rey brings down his TIE whisperer on Pasaana. The second time, Rey stabs him through the stomach with his own lightsaber on the Death Star wreckage.