
Is Wanelo a legit website?

Is Wanelo a legit website?

It isn’t a scam, you just have to be careful what you buy. It is sort of like eBay, but wanelo is a collection of thousands of stores. It is not a scam.

Is Wanelo shut down?

Wanelo.com is UP and reachable by us. The above graph displays service status activity for Wanelo.com over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller. If no bar is displayed for a specific time it means that the service was down and the site was offline.

How do I contact Wanelo?

For questions, please contact Wanelo at [email protected].

How do you sell stuff on Wanelo?

Selling on Wanelo The easiest way to do so is by adding a Wanelo Save button to your product page. Imagine you sell a product on your third-party website. You add a Wanelo Save button to the product page. Someone familiar with Wanelo stumbles across your product and decides to post it to their page.

How do I track my order on Wanelo?

You can find the order tracking number of Wanelo Shopping in order confirmation email or order history in mobile application.

How do you delete a Wanelo account on the app?

How To Delete Wanelo Account

  1. After sign-in to your account click on your PROFILE PICTURE which is given at the top right side of the page then a drop-down menu will appear.
  2. On that drop-down menu section click on link SETTINGS.
  3. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link CLOSE ACCOUNT which is given on the right side.

Does Wanelo sell fake stuff?

You don’t actually buy from the site. It’s like Pinterest in that it links you back to the site the product is on. You aren’t actually buying anything from wanelo when you make a purchase. People put the items on the there and if you decide to purchase it sends you to the actual website the item is available.

Does Wanelo ship to Canada?

According to their website, they don’t ship to Canada, so that’s it, right? Wrong! If you’ve always been prevented from buying Wanelo’ latest items, you’ll be excited to know that you need suffer no more. There is a way to get online Wanelo products from the USA delivered to your door.

What is Wanelo app?

Wanelo (“wah-nee-loh,” from Want, Need, Love) is a digital mall where people can discover and buy products on the internet. The site has over 12 million products posted by users from over 300,000 stores, including both large brands and independent sellers, like those found on Etsy.

Does Wanelo ship worldwide?

To ship internationally, Wanelo requires you to have a physical address in the United States. It is there that you will be expected to receive your order. The good news is that you do not need to live in the United States, or even have relatives or friends that do, for this process to work!

Does Wanelo only ship to the US?

No, Wanelo does not ship to Canada, but I’ve designed a process for getting any Wanelo order shipped to Canada with zero headaches. It involves using a package forwarder: a warehouse in the United States that will accept your Wanelo order and forward it on to you in Canada.