Is Tophatter any good?

Is Tophatter any good?

TopHatter has a great BBB rating, lots of auctions, and is free to bid.

Does Tophatter use PayPal?

Yes, Tophatter does accept PayPal.

Are wish reviews fake?

Are Wish Products Fake? The website and the app are definitely real. You order something, pay with your credit card, and the items will be delivered (eventually). The quality is definitely lower than items in other stores or shopping sites, but if you’re willing to take the chance, Wish can be a great value.

Will wish steal your credit card info?

You’re probably hesitant to type your credit card information on a website that sells a leather watch for $1. The truth is that Wish is just about as safe as any other online retailer. Wish itself won’t steal your information. Some may even say that it’s a worthy alternative to Amazon.

Is Amazon connected to wish?

Amazon takes on Wish with an “Under $10” selection of products that ship for free. Amazon has quietly launched a new feature that’s seemingly aimed at helping the retailer better compete with discount shopping apps such as Wish and others. The discount store is also available here on Amazon’s website.

Who is the owner of Wish com?

Peter Szulczewski

Why do wish orders take so long?

Sometimes weather, high packet volume, or other unforeseen circumstances can cause postal service delays. All packages are backed by our Money Back Guarantee. We calculate a maximum delivery date for every item in case there are delays that are out of our control.

Can you return items to wish?

All items may be returned within 30 days of delivery. To return an item, please contact Wish Customer Support through the app or on the web and follow the relevant prompts. Please note that we may not cover return shipping costs for all orders. For more information, please review our Return Policy.

Why does wish change delivery date?

Occasionally, unique circumstances such as weather, COVID-related logistics delays, or customs inspections may cause a delivery to be delayed. In this situation, the estimated delivery date may be updated in the Wish app.