
Is there such a word as unviable?

Is there such a word as unviable?

not able to work as intended; not able to succeed: She concluded that the plan was unviable with the resources that were available.

What does the word unviable mean?

: incapable of growth or development : not viable unviable seeds an unviable business/investment.

What is the meaning of ç?

Ç or ç (C-cedilla) is a Latin script letter, used in the Albanian, Azerbaijani, Manx, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Kurdish, Zazaki, and Romance alphabets. It was first used for the sound of the voiceless alveolar affricate /t͡s/ in Old Spanish and stems from the Visigothic form of the letter z (Ꝣ).

What is economically unviable?

adjective. not capable of succeeding, esp financially. the pit had proved economically unviable.

What does death knell mean?

the hand press

What’s another word for untenable?

SYNONYMS FOR untenable 1 baseless, groundless, unsound, weak, questionable.

Can a relationship be untenable?

untenable means “cannot be maintained”. ‘Untenable’ is used suitably for the sentence you have said as an example. The sentence : “The situation in their marriage became untenable” says that their relationship for certain will fall apart; there is no way so that they can still live together as a wife and husband.

What is the meaning of indefensible?

1a : incapable of being maintained as right or valid : untenable. b : incapable of being justified or excused : inexcusable indefensible comments. 2 : incapable of being protected against physical attack.

What does inexcusable mean?

: impossible to excuse or justify inexcusable rudeness.

Is inexcusable or Unexcusable?

in•ex•cus•a•ble /ˌɪnɪkˈskyuzəbəl/ adj. that may not be excused:inexcusable behavior.

How do you spell inexcusable?

Correct spelling for the English word “inexcusable” is [ˌɪnɛkskjˈuːsəbə͡l], [ˌɪnɛkskjˈuːsəbə‍l], [ˌɪ_n_ɛ_k_s_k_j_ˈuː_s_ə_b_əl] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for INEXCUSABLE

  1. inexcusably,
  2. inexhaustible,
  3. injectable,
  4. innocuous,
  5. inexhaustibly.

How do you use unbearable in a sentence?

Unbearable sentence example

  1. Facing him again was an unbearable thought.
  2. The air was hot and heavy and promised to become unbearable quickly.
  3. On the flip side of the coin, she was finding life unbearable without him.

How do you say very sad in English?


  1. bitter.
  2. dismal.
  3. heartbroken.
  4. melancholy.
  5. pessimistic.
  6. somber.
  7. sorry.
  8. wistful.

What is a good have a cry quote?

15 Quotes For When You Need A Good Cry

  • “No one had ever told her this basic fact: not everyone got to be loved.”
  • “Humanity will destroy itself, body and soul, before it will learn a simple lesson.”
  • “But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes . . .
  • “Sometimes only pain can heal”
  • “Life damages us, every one.