
Is The Hobbit short?

Is The Hobbit short?

The most distinguishing feature of Hobbits was their short stature. They were smaller than Dwarves and were usually between two and four feet in height. With the gradual passing of time, Hobbits became even shorter. By the Third Age, they were usually less than three feet tall.

Is shadow of Mordor canon?

No. It’s not a story Tolkien wrote, outlined, or ever considered (as far as we know). While certain elements of the story may be somewhat plausible, they go further than what would have been possible in the Middle-earth Tolkien conceived.

Is Shadow of War canon?

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War was not written by J.R.R. Tolkien, so it is not part of the book canon, nor was it developed by Peter Jackson and his creative team, so it is not part of the movie canon. However, being the sequel to 2014’s Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, it is part of that video game series’ canon.

Who was the most powerful wizard of all time?

Albus Dumbledore

Is McGonagall more powerful than Snape?

McGonagall is a slightly better spellcaster, but Snape is faster and has a type of overwhelm advantage as a legilimens.

Is Snape stronger than Bellatrix?

In the end, Snape’s greatest power was his ability to love in such a pure form that no Dark Lord could ever defeat him. Bellatrix had a different kind of love for Voldemort, in that she was maddeningly obsessed with him.

Who is more powerful Snape or Voldemort?

Just Snape. Voldemort is said to be a master Legilimens, which means Snape must be an even stronger Occlumens, impressively strong. I’d say Snape just beats Voldemort here. Snape and Voldemort are both capable of independent flight, no-one else in the books can do this.

Why did Bellatrix hate Snape?

Bellatrix was jealous, and saw him as competition. She was obsessed with Voldemort, and wanted his attention all for herself. The reason why she never trusted Snape had nothing to do with her having good instincts. She was just a jealous spiteful witch, who happened to be right about Snape’s loyalty.

Can Snape beat Bellatrix?

14 DEFEAT: SEVERUS SNAPE He created wicked curses and mastered potions far beyond anyone else’s skills. In a normal fight, he couldn’t have destroyed Dumbledore as he had, but against Bellatrix, he likely would have held his ground and defeated her.

Is Bellatrix stronger than Voldemort?

24 More Powerful: Bellatrix Lestrange Bellatrix acted as Voldemort’s second in command, but, at the end of the day, she was just as powerful as he was. Bellatrix was more focused on raw power, and, since she was violent and unpredictable, there’s so telling what she might have done had she worked for her own desires.

Who defeats Bellatrix?

Molly Weasley

Was Snape more powerful than James?

According to me, James was not much better than Snape. It is necessary to consider their childhoods. Snape is hated for being a bully as a teacher, and thus, using his power to humiliate students. He often reduced Neville to near tears, and it turned out Neville’s boggart took his form.