
Is teammates one word or two words?

Is teammates one word or two words?

Word forms: teammates In a game or sport, your teammates are the other members of your team. He was always a solid player, a hard worker, a great example to his teammates.

Are teammates hyphenated?

Hyphenation of teammate This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.

What is the correct spelling of teammate?

Correct spelling for the English word “teammate” is [tˈiːme͡ɪt], [tˈiːme‍ɪt], [t_ˈiː_m_eɪ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is it teammates or teammate’s?

teammate ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular teammate
plural teammates

What type of word is teammates?

Teammates is a noun – Word Type.

What do you call your teammates?

colleague. nounassociate, fellow worker. aide. ally. assistant.

Is teammates singular or plural?

The plural form of teammate is teammates.

What is a good teammate?

A great teammate is positive, full of energy and enthusiasm, regardless of the situation. Positivity will transfer to the other members of your team, but, adversely, negativity will do the same. A great teammate is willing to accept feedback from the team.

What does teammates stand for?

: a fellow member of a team.

What is the opposite of teammate?

Opposite of a fellow member of a team. enemy. opponent. antagonist. opposer.

What makes good teammates?

What is another word for teammates?

What is another word for teammate?

partner colleague
collaborator ally
captain co-player
fellow player associate
coworker co-worker

What is a bad teammate?

Poor team members use profane or otherwise offensive language in their communication with their teammates. They also question minute details and impolitely reject the ideas or opinions of others. Lack of appreciation for the contributions of other team members also factors into a poor team member’s rude behavior.

What makes you a great leader and or teammate?

They’re capable of working with others for the common good. Great teammates are self-motivated. They take pride in their work, and the satisfaction of doing it well drives their actions. They inspire those around them with their dedication and effort.

Is comradery a feeling?

Comradery Definition and Meaning Comradery is a spirit of friendship and community between two people or a group of people. The memberse of the group are comfortable around each other, and they support each other. This word is often applied to sports teams or to groups of soldiers.