Is tangent continuous on its domain?

Is tangent continuous on its domain?

The domain of the tangent function is R∖(π2+πZ) and it is continuous.

What is the domain of Sinx?

The graph of y=sin(x) is like a wave that forever oscillates between -1 and 1, in a shape that repeats itself every 2π units. Specifically, this means that the domain of sin(x) is all real numbers, and the range is [-1,1]. See how we find the graph of y=sin(x) using the ​unit-circle definition of sin(x).

What is the domain of sec theta?


Function Domain Range
cot θ R – {nπ, n ∈ Z} R
sec θ R – {(2n+1)π/2, n ∈ Z} (– ∞, -1] ∪ [1 , ∞) or, {y: y ∈ R, y ≥ 1 or y ≤ –1}
cosec θ R – {nπ, n ∈ Z} (– ∞, -1] ∪ [1 , ∞) or, {y: y ∈ R, y ≥ 1 or y ≤ –1}

What is the domain of COTX?

Period and Amplitude of Basic Trig Functions

Domain of y=cot x All x≠nπ
Range of y=cot x All Real numbers
Domain of y=sec x All x≠π/2 + nπ
Range of y=sec x y≤-1, y≥1

What is the domain of the function Cosec 1?

Domain and Range of Trigonometry Functions

Domain Range
cos -1 [–1, 1] [0,π]
tan -1 R (-π/2,π/2)
cosec -1 R – (–1, 1) [-π/2,π/2] – {0}
sec -1 R – (–1, 1) [0,π]-{π/2}

What is the value of Cosec 1?

Value of csc(1 degree) or Cosec(1 degree) = /div>

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What is the range of Y sec 1x?

We may consider [0, π] as range of y = sec-1(x).

What is the value of Cosec inverse minus 2?

cosec-1(-√2) Therefore, principal value of cosec-1(-√2) = -π/4.

What is the principal value of Cos inverse (- 1 2?

Determine the principal value of cos-1(-1/2). cos y = cos (2π/3). Thus, the Range of the principal value of cos-1 is [0, π ]. Therefore, the principal value of cos-1( -1/2) is 2π /3.

How do you find the value of cos inverse?

With inverse cosine, we select the angle on the top half of the unit circle. Thus cos-1 (–½) = 120° or cos-1 (–½) = 2π/3. In other words, the range of cos-1 is restricted to [0, 180°] or [0, π]. Note: arccos refers to “arc cosine”, or the radian measure of the arc on a circle corresponding to a given value of cosine.

What is the value of Cos minus half?

Cos 120 degree is equal to minus half which can be written as (- ½ ) or (-0.5).

Is SEC and Arccos the same?

Secant, cosecant and cotangent, almost always written as sec, cosec and cot are trigonometric functions like sin, cos and tan. Note, sec x is not the same as cos-1x (sometimes written as arccos x). Remember, you cannot divide by zero and so these definitions are only valid when the denominators are not zero.