
Is Rum better than vodka?

Is Rum better than vodka?

1. Vodka is made from potatoes, grains and cereals whereas rum is made from molasses and sugarcane juice. Rum by itself has a better flavor than vodka due to molasses. Vodka, on the other hand, does not have flavor unless mixed with other drinks or flavored with fruits.

Which is good for health rum or vodka?

Other spirits like vodka, gin, and white rum – These spirits are better avoided, as they are reasonably high in calories and do not give any health benefits as compared to the beverages listed above. Regular beer – quite an antioxidant boost but a lot of calories (10 to 15 grams of carbs per 5 oz) to go with it.

Is Rum more fattening than vodka?

Other distilled liquors, like rum, whiskey, gin, and tequila contain roughly the same number of calories as vodka, and zero carbohydrates. Of course, it depends on the brand and the proof. Some brands of rum, for example, contain added spices and sugar that change the flavor and also the nutritional content.

Is rum the strongest alcohol?

1. Sunset Very Strong Rum. Sunset Very Strong Rum has an 84.5% alcohol by volume content. It has made lists such as, 10 Alcoholic Drinks So Strong They Can Knock the Manliest of You, for being “one of the world’s most robust rum.” It was also named the 2016 World’s Best Overproof Rum.

Can I drink rum daily?

Good for your Heart: Another reason to have rum is that it can act as a blood thinner and even combat peripheral artery diseases. Well, you can even reduce heart attacks through its consumption. As long as you are drinking in moderation. Helps in Muscle Pain: Well, you can keep that muscle pain away by having some rum.

What is rum good for?

Rum consumption can give you a healthy and strong heart. Also, it decreases cholesterol levels in the body. It is also a good drink for peripheral artery disease prevention and is a blood thinner, which can help combat artery blockages, prevent heart attacks and heart disease.