
Is Queens a bad neighborhood?

Is Queens a bad neighborhood?

For its part, much of Queens is relatively safe—especially Malba, Belle Harbor, Fresh Meadows, and Upper Ditmars. Staten Island, southwest of Manhattan and Brooklyn, is generally most dangerous at its north end and safer as you go down the island, with a few exceptions interspersed throughout.

Which part of Queens is dangerous?


Most Dangerous Neighborhoods Non-violent crimes per 1,000 residents
Hunters Point 18.4
Howard Beach 15.7
Ozone Park 14.4
Jamaica 12.4

What is the most dangerous part of NYC?

These neighborhoods have the highest rates of violent crime per capita across New York City:

  • Fort Greene (Brooklyn)
  • Brownsville (Brooklyn)
  • Bronx River (Bronx)
  • Navy Hill (Brooklyn)
  • Mount Eden (Bronx)
  • Longwood (Bronx)
  • Mott Haven (Bronx)
  • Fordham (Bronx)

Does New York have slums?

There are no slums in NYC. Some drug-addled areas of Harlem, and Grand Concourse may be considered a “slum” to folks from the suburbs, but there are no slums by definition.

Does New York smell bad?

New York City smells like urine because of a combination of population density, the obvious probability of homeless/drunk people relieving themselves outside in addition to the highly concentrated waste in the sewage system.

Is spitting illegal in New York?

Many doctors across the nation began to argue for a prohibition on spitting in public places. New York City, under the leadership of pioneering health commissioner Herman Biggs, became the first municipal government in the United States to outlaw spitting.

Where do homeless sleep in NYC?

However, the vast majority of New Yorkers experiencing homelessness spend the night within the city’s shelter system where they remain unseen. For every person sleeping on sidewalks or on trains, 20 more are sleeping in shelters.

Should I live in Brooklyn or Queens?

Both are actually beautiful, but queens is more surburbs to me and Brooklyn is more city like. I feel as is Queens is just far from everything, but it also depends on what part of Queens you are in. It is definitely an easier and faster commute to midtown. Brooklyn of course is closer to lower Manhattan.

Where is the cheapest rent in NYC?

What’s The Cheapest Rental In NYC Right Now?

  • 29 Buffalo Ave. ( credit: Hoodline)
  • 743 Dekalb Ave. ( credit: Hoodline)
  • East 68th Street and Veterans Avenue (credit: Hoodline)
  • 4-32 Stockholm St. ( credit: Hoodline)