Is it OK to read FanFiction?

Is it OK to read FanFiction?

Like all things in life, it’s a matter of moderation. You may have noticed that, unlike real books or literature, fanfiction is usually very low-quality, either plot wise or grammar wise. Hold yourself to a higher standard when you read your FanFiction.

Is it a sin to read fanfiction?

Reading or writing fanfiction is no more sinful than writing original fiction. However, I also recognize that fanfiction, like any story told on any medium, can contain content that God is not okay with his people exposing themselves to. Reading or writing fanfiction is no more sinful than writing original fiction.

Which is better wattpad or AO3?

AO3 vs Wattpad. Wattpad is definitely a widespread and popular used site as a means for sharing stories, but AO3 (Archive of Our Own) is a better site because the tagging system is amazing, doesn’t use book covers or chapter art, and generally has an older audience.

How do you get famous on AO3?

Tips for increasing your AO3 traffic

  1. Readers who comb through the most recent updates/tags of a given ship/fandom.
  2. Fic recs/promos from other sites.
  3. User subscribers on AO3 who receive emails about your updates.

What is a hit on archive of our own?

According to AO3′s FAQ: Hits are a counter of how many times a work has been accessed. A hit is registered every time a visitor navigates to a work’s page, with the following exceptions: If two visits in a row come from the same IP address, only the first one is registered.

What is a good amount of hits on AO3?

For AO3 overall, the median number is 12 kudos. The orange graph shows every tag on the AO3 popular tag page that gets at least twice that — at least 24 kudos on average. Size/color correspond to median number of kudos, with “Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics” receiving 113 kudos on average.

What do subscriptions mean on AO3?

A subscription is a way to track new content posted on Archive of Our Own. You can use subscriptions to track updates for individual users, individual works, and series. When you’ve subscribed to a user, you’ll receive email notifications that contain links to new works or chapters they’ve posted.

Can authors see private bookmarks?

If you mark a bookmark as private, no one other than you can access it. Even the creator of the work will only know that a bookmark was added—they won’t know who bookmarked the work, or any comments or tags they have included.

Is archive of our own safe?

Archive of our own is safe to use and its haven for every kind of fic-loving fan. Archive of Our Own is a nonprofit open-source repository for fanfiction and other fanworks contributed by users. Archive of Our Own allows writers to publish any content, so long as it is legal.