
Is it illegal to sell promotional items?

Is it illegal to sell promotional items?

‘For Promotional Use Only — Not For Resale’ — Oh Yes It Is : The Record A federal appeals court has ruled that so-called “promo” recordings can be resold.

Are demo records worth anything?

Some rare demo records can be worth a good amount of money but normally demo and promo records are worth the same or less than a normal record. This is because a demo or promo record will normally not come with artwork or sleeves which is where a good part of the value lies for most collectors.

How much is an original Elvis Moody Blue record worth?

These colored vinyl pressings of AFL1-2428 are among the rarest and most valuable Presley platters of the 1970s. Due to the current instability of the rare record marketplace, a NM copy of any color record could sell for as little as $500 or as much as $2,000 at auction.

Are 45’s worth anything?

Rock and roll and R&B 45s with the cardboard sleeves are worth at least $20, with many being worth more than $200. First pressings of albums have more value than second, third, or subsequent pressings. They are referred to as the “originals” that were purchased when the record first hit the charts.

What are 33 albums worth?

If the record is in good condition (and note that some records/genres/artists are more popular, and would be worth more), it will probably be around $15-$20. Special editions, signed or rare albums will fetch higher dollar amounts, even up to several hundred dollars.

Are 78 rpm records worth anything?

He said that on average a rare jazz 78 might sell for $1,500 to $5,000, whereas sales for a comparable blues record would start at $5,000.

How much are old LP’s worth?

The average eBay selling price for vinyl records is around $15, though vinyl record values vary significantly: from 50 cents to $50 or more. You need to do some research to determine exactly how much your vinyl records are worth. Here are some highly-valuable vinyl records.

How much is a 45 rpm record worth?

If you have a copy in mint condition it could be worth around $1,500. Used copies that have some slight imperfections are selling on eBay for $35 to $200. Mint copies of Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” are valued at about $1,500.

Is there a market for old 78 rpm records?

The market for the rarest 78 RPM Records continues to be strong. The rare 1920s and 1920s blues records on labels like Paramount, Vocalion, Gennett and Okeh in original ‘like new’ condition are very much sought after and sell quickly at high prices. 78 RPM Records from about 1945 onward are VERY common in most cases.

Can you play 78 records on a modern turntable?

To play 78s you need the following equipment: A turntable with variable speed adjustment, covering a range from about 60 to 90 rpm. Several are available to do this. 2. A good quality tone arm, containing a stereo cartridge, and styli that have been retipped for playing 78s.

Do suitcase turntables ruin records?

A suitcase portable will not ruin your records, however it will ruin your listening experience. With its 2×1 inch speakers, ceramic cartridge, and just all around poor quality, it’s not a good choice. I would recommend looking for something used. But if you want a new player an Audio Techinica LP60 is decent.

Can gramophones play modern records?

Old gramophones (like a Victrola) can “play” vinyl records, but it sounds ungodly. That’s because the needles on antique record players are thick and very heavy. The antique records were made of a different material and were much more robust than modern vinyl ones.

What is the difference between 33 and 78 records?

78 RPM records have no grooves, meaning they can only hold one song. 33 RPM records can hold nearly an hour’s worth of music, which is why they are also referred to as LPs (long playing).