
Is Homestar Runner still a thing?

Is Homestar Runner still a thing?

Homestar Runner is an American Flash-animated surreal comedy web series created by Mike and Matt Chapman, also known as The Brothers Chaps. After a four-year hiatus beginning in 2010, Homestar Runner returned with a new Holiday Toon on April 1, 2014, for April Fools’ Day. …

When was Homestar Runner popular?


Who made Homestar Runner?

Matt Chapman

How old is strong bad?

Most in the Graveyard — Strong Bad berates The King of Town, “This party sucks, old man!” Which Ween Costumes? — The King of Town suggests that he is approximately 303 years old. Fan Costumes 2017 — Strong Bad implies that the calendar is based off the King of Town’s birth making him 2017 years old.

Are Strong Bad emails real?

ALL THE STRONG BAD EMAILS WERE REAL. All the emails read were generously submitted by fans. The only one that wasn’t from a viewer was Mile, which was craftily created by The Cheat. In 2003, the Chapman brothers estimated that Strong Bad received about 7000 emails a day.

Who made strong bad?

How many Strong Bad emails are there?

208 Strong Bad emails

When was trogdor created?


Is trogdor copyrighted?

TROGDOR!! THE BURNINATOR Trademark – Registration Number 3106432 – Serial Number :: Justia Trademarks.

Where is the egg game?

The object of the game is to find an egg that one of the suspects is hiding. The task is a variation of the Knights and Knaves puzzle, in which suspects either always lie or always tell the truth.

What is a consummate V?

[Consummate] means perfect and complete in every respect or having all necessary qualities. Therefore, [consummate Vs] are perfect and complete [Vs], having all necessary qualities of a V, namely an evenly pointed bottom and straight, even sides.

Where is the egg speedrun?

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Rank Player Time
1st darG 016ms
1st ShesChardcore 016ms
1st Iwontskill 016ms
6th saguihex 033ms

Where is Strong Bad from?

Strong Bad is a fictional character from Homestar Runner, a series of animated Flash videos, who is inspired by “The Strong Bads” from the video game Tag Team Wrestling. He is voiced by Matt Chapman, the principal voice actor and co-creator of the series.

Who made Strongbad?