
Is Hip Hop Cat good?

Is Hip Hop Cat good?

Despite its slow ability, Hip Hop Cat should not be used as a crowd controller, as its high DPS and low cost make him a far better general attacker. If you use it against any short ranged enemy such as Nimoy Bore, they can easily stack up and take them down very quickly.

Is the surfer cat good?

Surfer Cat is extremely good at controlling close-ranged Alien enemies. Protect him well to ensure that the Aliens stay frozen in their tracks while your Paris Cats, Macho Leg Cats, and Chill Cats wipe out the frozen enemies.

How good is nerd cat?

Nerd Cat has Single Target attacks with mediocre damage, but has more effective range than the other two forms, making it able to cheese certain stages by using the enemy limit. Of course, this is due to it having higher range then the other forms.

Is Sushi Cat good battle cats?

Essentially Kotatsu Cat for Red enemies, this cat is very useful to stop the advancement of Bore, One Horn, Shy Boy and other Red enemies, as it can soak up damage from them while simultaneously weakening them. Use this cat on stages with lots of Red enemies for a tactical advantage.

What is the strongest cat in the Battle Cats?

Bahamut Cat

What does Bath cat evolve into?

Sexy Bathtub Cat

Is weightlifter cat good?

Weightlifter is a very good offensive unit against Black Enemies, with its high damage, short time between attacks, triple damage ability, and his range that is decent enough to get rid of annoying supporters (excluding Le’noir), meaning it is extraordinary in levels like Black Premonition.

What is the best special cat in Battle Cats?

I would recommend to buy Boogie Cat, as it is an aditional meatshield and is extremely cheap to use and upgrade, Sumo Cat is another tanky meatshield but you should buy it later as it is too expensive, Dom Cat is pretty good in True Form.

Does Battle Cats need wifi?

Even though your opponents shouldn’t necessarily be online at the time of the battle, the game constantly checks the state of their cars, and if an opponent’s car has changed, that may affect the result of the battle. That’s why the Internet connection is required at all times.

Is Cats a offline game?

Unfortunately, you can’t. C.A.T.S. is an asynchronous multiplayer game. Even though your opponents shouldn’t necessarily be online at the time of the battle, the game constantly checks the state of their cars, and if an opponent’s car has changed, that may affect the result of the battle. …

What is the max level in Battle Cats?

Level Cap. The normal level cap when you initially start the game is Level 10. You can upgrade cats to Level 20 once you finish Chapter 2 of Empire of Cats. Further, increasing the Level Cap for Cats and Upgrades are obtained by increasing player ranks to a certain point.

How do you get Ururun Wolf?

Ururun Wolf is a Special Cat that can be unlocked as a rare treasure drop when beating The Great Escaper. True Form added in version 7.0 increases health, damage, range and grants Curse Immunity.

What are Lil cats for?

Li’l Cat is a Special Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Event Capsule. True Form increases health, attack power and recharge time and reduces deploy cost.

What stage is jail break tunnel?

“Jailbreak Tunnel”) is the 18th sub-chapter of Stories of Legend. Added on July 25th, 2014 – update version 2.3. 1 of Nyanko Daisensou, this sub-chapter is available up to 4★ difficulty. 1 Difficulty 2 New Features 3 List of Stages 4 Material Drop…

How good is lesser demon cat?

Lesser Demon Cat deals enormous DPS, but he’s held back greatly by his single target attacks. On another note, this cat is Immune to Weaken, allowing him to be more effective against the few enemies with this ability, like Cli-One and Calamary.

What is the easiest cyclone Battle Cats?

In spite of this, the Red Cyclone is usually the easiest of the Cyclones to defeat due to the sheer amount of anti-Red/Floating cats available to use against it, along with the fact that it is supported by One Horns in Its debut stage that each refill your wallet when killed.

What is the hardest stage in Battle Cats?


Is ganglion good battle cats?

Ganglion serves well as a Long Distance rusher. He can cripple the backlines of enemies that would otherwise be a pain to deal with when the boss knocks back. He acts a good counter to Tackeys, Hackeys, and Dolphina, especially when they are supported by stronger enemies, as he can stay safe in their blind spots.

Is High Lord Babel good?

In theory he should be a very good tanker, but unfortunately falls flat. He has extremely high health against his niche, over 1.5 million, which is his only tanker stat. His only redeeming factors are his immunity to slow and freeze and his extremely high health against his typing.

How much damage does Dragon cat do?


Crazed Lizard Cat
Manic King Dragon
Health (Lv.30) Attack Power (Lv.30) Attack Range
23,490 HP 12,760 damage 415
Lv.MAX Attack Type

How do you get Miku in Battle Cats?

Hatsune Miku is an Uber Rare Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the Hatsune Miku Collaboration Event. She was added in version 9.4.

What does Miku cat evolve into?

Evolves into Miku Cat CC at level 10.

Is Sakura Miku good battle cats?

Sakura Miku can provide proper support in Alien stages due to her high standing range with far piercing and inner range combined with freeze ability. Sakura Miku can also be a decent generalist sniper, as her damage and DPS are not bad for her range and her survivability is great thanks to her good knockback count.

What is the next battle cats collab?

NEW Collab Event, coming to The Battle Cats on September 2nd! Take on the mightiest chins of the jungle when SHAKUREL PLANET invades the Cat Empire! Collab stages, ranking dojo, new Special units, and more!

What is Superfest Battle Cats?

SUPERFEST is one of the Rare Cat Capsule events in The Battle Cats. 0 and includes all Uber Rare Cats from every common pool with a higher chance to obtain them. Additionally, the set includes the exclusive characters from the UBERFEST and EPICFEST Gachas.

How do you get the Akuma giraffe in Battle Cats?

The Loop (Games) Akuma Giraffe is a Rare Cat that can be obtained as a drop in event stages during the Street Fighter V Collaboration Event.

What does the mailbox do in Battle Cats?

“Playing it like a fiddle.” This mailbox hack allows players to acquire items and/or cats of their choice.