Is deviant art free?

Is deviant art free?

Although a basic membership is free, deviants with paid subscriptions can browse the site ad-free. You can also sell prints of your work through deviantART’s online store, although the site does take a percentage of your earnings.

How much do DA Points cost?

Each DA Point is worth 1.25 CENTS. That’s a penny AND a quarter of a penny — MORE then what you thought it was originally worth. This is why, for example, you can buy 400 Points for $5.00. Because 400 Points are the equivalent to $5.00.

What is a point commission?

A: Either artists who want to advertise their point commissions or people who want to commission said artists! Q: What are point commissions? A: They’re commissions, in which a user pays an artist to draw something of their choice, but paid for in DA points!

How do you get paid by commission?

A sales commission is a sum of money paid to an employee upon completion of a task, usually selling a certain amount of goods or services. Employers sometimes use sales commissions as incentives to increase worker productivity. A commission may be paid in addition to a salary or instead of a salary.

Can employees be commission only?

Commission-only payment is not legal for the employer, and the company must supplement the commission through minimum pay standards through the state laws. Even if this only amounts to minimum wage for the state, the employee is still subject to other laws such as overtime and benefits as a full-time employee.

Can an employer cut your commission?

Taking away part of a commission may be a breach of the employment agreement. An employer may be able to restrict, reduce, or change some discretionary payment, like a bonus or team incentives. However, an employer cannot generally reduce compensation for sales completed or work completed.

Can I pay an independent contractor Commission?

This usually indicates that a worker is an employee, even when the wage or salary is supplemented by a commission. An independent contractor is usually paid by a flat fee for the job. However, it is common in some professions, such as law, to pay independent contractors hourly.

When should commissions be paid?

What Does Timely Mean? Under California Labor Code §204, timely payment means sales commissions earned must be paid at least twice per calendar month on the days designated in advance by the employer as paydays.

Can an employer change your pay structure?

A pay cut cannot be enacted without the employee being notified. If an employer cuts an employee’s pay without telling him, it is considered a breach of contract. Pay cuts are legal as long as they are not done discriminatorily (i.e., based on the employee’s race, gender, religion, and/or age).

Can I refuse a pay cut?

“They are not obliged to give their consent, and they could take legal action to prevent such a change.” This means if your employer wants to cut your pay, they have to ask for your permission first. You can refuse a drop in wages, but you would be risking termination of your contract completely.

Do I have to accept a pay cut?

If the company can meet its expenses and its profit outlook is positive, then there’s absolutely no reason to accept a pay cut. Plus, the courts have ruled that reductions in salaries for exempt employees need to be tied to long-term business needs.

Is it legal to pay different wages for the same job?

Key facts. People doing the same job or work of equal value should get the same or equal pay; but in many cases they don’t, even though though the law says they should. You are entitled to the same pay as anyone doing the same or broadly similar job, or a job of equal value, regardless of gender.

Can you sue for being underpaid?

You can sue a company for underpaying you if your employer is breaking the law by not paying you minimum wage or overtime, or misclassifying the type of worker you are causing you to miss out on wages or benefits. Every situation is different, so hiring a lawyer can help you determine whether you have a case.

Can you be fired for discussing pay?

No, you cannot be fired for discussing wages at work. The majority of employed and working Americans are protected from discipline exercised simply due to protected classes, such as age, gender, race, and so forth.