Is christen a word?
Is christen a word?
verb (used with object) to name and dedicate: to christen a ship.
How do you christen a house?
How to Christen a Room
- Call a priest, minister or religious leader and invite him over to bless the room, or the house itself. For example, a Catholic priest may say the Lord’s Prayer and sprinkle the room with holy water.
- Consummate your marriage in the room.
- Complete an activity for the first time in the room.
What is another word for break in?
In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for break-in, like: burglarize, getaway, invade, prepare, burglary, educate, teach, trespass, chime in, cut in and put in.
What does break it in mean?
intransitive verb. 1 : to enter something (such as a building or computer system) without consent or by force. 2a : intrude break in upon his privacy. b : to interrupt a conversation.
What does it mean to break something in?
(phrasal verb) in the sense of prepare. Definition. to use or wear (new shoes or new equipment) until comfortable or running smoothly. I’m breaking in these new boots.
What does break into mean?
(BEGIN TO DO) to begin suddenly to do something: He broke into a run, and we couldn’t catch him.
What does the idiom have a clean record mean?
The idiom ‘have a clean record’ emphasizes that a person does not have recorded problems and has not broken any rules or laws….
What is the phrasal verb of get over?
To stop feeling ill or unhappy. When we start to feel well after an illness or when we feel happy again after something bad has happened, we get over it. So we can say, “It took him a few days to get over the flu.” “She was upset about not getting the job, but she got over it.”…
What is part of speech name them with their kinds?
There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.