Is CaCl2 an acid or base or neutral?

Is CaCl2 an acid or base or neutral?

CaCl2 is a salt of strong acid HCl and strong base Ca(OH)2. Thus it forms a neutral solution when dissolved in water.

Is CaBr2 soluble in water?

Calcium bromide

Melting point 730 °C (1,350 °F; 1,000 K)
Boiling point 1,815 °C (3,299 °F; 2,088 K) (anhydrous) 810 °C (dihydrate)
Solubility in water 125 g/100 mL (0 °C) 143 g/100 ml (20 °C) 312 g/100 mL (100 °C)
Solubility in alcohol, acetone soluble

Is calcium bromide a solid?

Chemical Properties Calciumbromide, CaBr2, is a colorless crystalline solid with a melting point of 765°C. It is deliquescent and is soluble in water and absolute alcohol. Calcium bromide is used in medicine.

Is KF a metal or nonmetal?

The metal cation is named first, followed by the nonmetal anion. Subscripts in the formula do not affect the name. The table below shows three examples….Naming Binary Ionic Compounds.

KF potassium fluoride
Na3N sodium nitride
Ca3P2 calcium phosphide

What is KF Chem?

Kf is a constant for a given solvent. Kf is called the molal freezing point depression constant and represents how many degrees the freezing point of the solvent will change when 1.00 mole of a nonvolatile nonionizing (nondissociating) solute dissolves in one kilogram of solvent.

Which will have the largest delta TB?

Which will have largest ΔTb? Solution : 65g urea has largest no. of moles(1.0833).

Which is not a Colligative property?

Optical activity depends on the solvent and does not depend on the solute so it is not a colligative property. Depression in freezing point is the lowering of the freezing point of a solvent when a non-volatile solute is added to it.

What is I in the osmotic pressure equation?

i is the van’t Hoff factor. C is the molar concentration of the solute in the solution. R is the universal gas constant. T is the temperature.