
Is ARP a TCP or UDP?

Is ARP a TCP or UDP?

ARP is not a UDP based protocol and thus cannot be captured with an UDP socket.


The most widely used network layer protocol in the world—by far—is the TCP/IP Internet Protocol. ARP is a full-featured dynamic resolution protocol used to match IP addresses to underlying data link layer addresses.

Does ARP use TCP?

2 Answers. They are both correct depending on which model you are using. The Internet Layer in the TCP/IP model translates to the same thing as the Network Layer in the OSI model. ARP is used to resolve the MAC addresses, and work on Layer 2 of the OSI model.

What is gratuitous ARP?

A ‘Gratuitous ARP’ is an AddressResolutionProtocol request packet where the source and destination IP are both set to the IP of the machine issuing the packet and the MAC is the broadcast address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. One function is to help detect IP conflicts.

Why gratuitous ARP is used?

Gratuitous ARPs are useful for four reasons: They can help detect IP conflicts. When a machine receives an ARP request containing a source IP that matches its own, then it knows there is an IP conflict. They assist in the updating of other machines’ ARP tables.

How do you generate gratuitous ARP?

To enable gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), use the ip arp gratuitous command. To disable gratuitous ARP, use the no form of this command.

What is ARP and Garp?

A GARP request is a broadcast request for a router’s own IP address. If a router sends an ARP request for its own IP address and an ARP reply is received, the router’s assigned IP address is already being used by another node. A GARP is an ARP broadcast in which the source and destination MAC addresses are the same.

What is difference between ARP and RARP?

Through ARP, (32-bit) IP address mapped into (48-bit) MAC address. Whereas, In Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), IP address is fetched through server. Through RARP, (48-bit) MAC address of 48 bits mapped into (32-bit) IP address. While in RARP, broadcast IP address is used.

What is ARP probe?

The ARP Probe serves the purpose of polling the network to validate that an IP address is not already in use. It is sent with the Opcode field set to 1 , indicating an ARP Request. The idea is if the IP address in question is already in use, the initiator of the ARP Probe will expect a Response from original owner.

Is there any ARP reply against gratuitous ARP?

No reply is expected for a Gratuitous ARP . A Gratuitous ARP packet has the following characteristics. The source and destination IP Addresses are both set to the IP of the machine sending the Gratuitous ARP packet.

What are the types of ARP?

Here are four types of Address Resolution Protocol, which is given below:

  • Proxy ARP.
  • Gratuitous ARP.
  • Reverse ARP.
  • Inverse ARP.

What does ARP cache do?

An ARP cache is a collection of Address Resolution Protocol entries (mostly dynamic) that are created when an IP address is resolved to a MAC address (so the computer can effectively communicate with the IP address). An ARP cache helps the attackers hide behind a fake IP address.

What is ARP opcode?

Opcode : Opcode field in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Message specifies the nature of the ARP message. 1 for ARP request and 2 for ARP reply. Sender Hardware Address : Layer 2 address (MAC Address) of the device sending the message.

What is FF FF FF FF FF FF?

The MAC address used for broadcast (broadcast MAC address) is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. Broadcast MAC address is a MAC address consisting of all binary 1s. Broadcast is “one to all” type of communication. In other words; “send once receive all”.

Does DHCP use ARP?

In order to keep problems to a minimum, the use of the DHCP ARP probe allows a device to verify that no other devices are using the IP address before this device starts to do so. The DHCP ARP packet looks like a regular ARP request packet, except that the Source Protocol Address field of the request is set to 0.0.

Does ARP use DNS?

ARP lets devices on the network ask each other which MAC addresses they have. To find out what MAC address the router has got the computer will first put its DNS query on hold in a queue. This is so that the computer doesn’t have to do an ARP request for each packet it wants to send.

Is DHCP a Layer 2 protocol?

DHCP works on Layer 2 in the OSI model. This means that when a device needs an IP address they can only request one on the same network that it’s present on.

What are the Layer 3 protocols?

The protocols used in Layer 3 include:

  • Internet Protocols IPv4/v6.
  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  • Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)
  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
  • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

Is ICMP a Layer 3?

So ICMP processing can be viewed as occurring parallel to, or as part of, IP processing. Therefore, in the topic on TCP/IP-based layered network, ICMP is shown as a layer 3 protocol.

Is ICMP a layer 4?

ICMP headers are at Layer 4, just like TCP and UDP, so many will answer “Layer 4.” Others argue ICMP is a Layer 3 protocol, since it assists IP (a Layer 3 protocol), and has no ports.

Is ICMP a Layer 2?

ICMP is actually at the “top” of the layer 3. It uses the IP protocol to deliver data to a remote host. In other words, ICMP messages must be encapsulated in IP packets. Consider it as similar to ARP which could be considered to be “at the top” of layer 2, while using the Ethernet protocol to actually send packets.