
Is Al2S3 aqueous or solid?

Is Al2S3 aqueous or solid?

Physical properties: Aluminum sulfide is a gray to black solid. Its density is 2.02 g mL-1. The melting point of this compound is 1100 °C and the boiling point is 1500 °C, at this temperature it sublimes. Aluminum sulfide decomposes in water and is insoluble in acetone.

What are the uses of common salt?

Uses of common salt

  • It is used as a raw material for making a large number of useful chemicals in industry such as sodium hydroxide,sodium carbonate,baking soda etc.
  • It is used in cooking food.
  • It is used as a preservative in pickles.
  • It is used in the manufacture of soaps.
  • It is used to melt ice.

How do you identify an unknown compound?

Structures of unknown compounds can be determined by comparing physical properties, performing functional group tests, and checking melting points of derivatives against those of known compounds reported in the literature. Solubility properties and chemical reactivity become apparent during these qualitative tests.

When 3 M HCl and 0.1 m BaCl2 are added to a solution of Na2SO4?

When 3 M HCl and 0.1 m BaCl2 are added to a solution of Na2SO4 no precipitate will form because BaSO4 is soluble in water. a precipitate will form because BaSO4 is insoluble in water. a precipitate will form because Na2 SO4 is insoluble in water. no precipitate will form because Na2SO4 is soluble in water.

How could you detect the presence of Cl ion?

The test for chloride ions described here is based on precipitation of an insoluble chloride salt. When a few drops of a silver nitrate solution are added to a slightly acidic aqueous solution that contains chloride ions, a white precipitate of silver chloride will form.

How do you test for chloride content?

The concentration of chloride ions is determined by subtracting the titration findings of the moles of silver ions that reacted with the thiocyanate from the total moles of silver nitrate added to the solution. This method is used when the pH of the solution, after the sample has been prepared, is acidic.

Does tap water contain chloride ion?

Chloride is one of the most common anions found in tap water. Chloride occurs naturally in groundwater but is found in greater concentrations where seawater and run-off from road salts (salts used to de-ice icy roads) can make their way into water sources.

What is the salinity of drinking water?

1,000 ppm

What is the treatment for Hyperchloremia?

The exact treatment for hyperchloremia will depend on its cause: For dehydration, treatment will include hydration. If you received too much saline, the supply of saline will be stopped until you recover. If your medications are causing the issue, your doctor might modify or stop the medication.