Is 172 high for blood sugar?

Is 172 high for blood sugar?

The goal for managing diabetes is to achieve glucose values as close to this as possible, but the recommended range is 80-130 mg/dl. There is no specific value used to define hyperglycemia in all individuals. In general, a glucose level above 160-180 mg/dl is considered hyperglycemia.

Is 170 sugar level normal?

In general, an HbA1C target of 7.0% to 7.5%, which corresponds to an average blood sugar level of about 150 to 170 mg/dL, seems reasonable for many patients with type 2 diabetes. Medical therapy should be intensified when HbA1C levels exceed 8%, which corresponds to an average blood sugar level of about 180 mg/dL. 4.

Is blood sugar of 174 high?

A normal blood-sugar range after eating is between 135 and 140 milligrams per deciliter. These variations in blood-sugar levels, both before and after meals, are normal and reflect the way that glucose is absorbed and stored in the body.

Is 175 sugar level high after eating?

Postprandial or after-meal hyperglycemia. This is blood sugar that’s higher than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after you eat. People without diabetes rarely have blood sugar levels over 140 mg/dL after a meal, unless it’s really large.

Is 180 sugar level high after eating?

Scale of normal blood sugar range Hyperglycemia occurs when the blood sugar is above 130 mg/dL while fasting, or greater than 180 mg/dL after eating a meal. American Diabetes Association Glucose Goals for people with Diabetes: Before meals or fasting: 70 to 130 mg/dL.

What alcohol can type 2 diabetics drink?

Some research says wine (red or white) may help your body use insulin better and may even make you less likely to get type 2 diabetes in the first place. It may also have heart benefits, to boot! Moderation is the key as too much alcohol can cause hypoglycemia.

Is Whiskey OK for diabetics?

Wines tend to have less carbohydrate than beer so may have a less pronounced affect on sugar levels. Spirits on their ow, such as whiskey, vodka, rum and gin, have no significant carbs in and therefore shouldn’t push blood sugar values up. If you have them with a mixer this will need to be taken into account.