How would you describe Benvolio?

How would you describe Benvolio?

Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin, was such a friend to Romeo and Mercutio. Benvolio is a peacemaker, trusted friend, counselor, problem-solver and voice of reason.

What kind of character is Benvolio?

Benvolio is Lord Montague’s nephew and Romeo’s cousin. He is usually portrayed by Shakespeare as a kind and thoughtful person who attempts to look out for his cousin. Benvolio spends most of Act I attempting to distract his cousin from his infatuation with Rosaline but following the first appearance of Mercutio in I.

How does Mercutio describe Benvolio?

However, the ever-lively Mercutio attributes his own hot-blooded personality to the peace-loving Benvolio. He accurately describes his own fighting habits and, as a joke, assigns them to Benvolio.

What is Benvolio’s role in Act 1?

Benvolio’s main role in act 1 of Romeo and Juliet is that of a peacemaker. In the play’s opening scene, he valiantly tries to break up a violent brawl between the Montague and Capulet servants. He also acts as the voice of reason, trying to take his cousin Romeo’s mind off Rosaline.

What motivates Benvolio?

Benvolio is loyal to Romeo, but he is also loyal to the Montague family. He wants to help Romeo’s parents. Some people interpret this as Benvolio spying on Romeo on behalf of the parents of the Montague family.

How is Benvolio loyal?

Throughout the quarrel between Tybalt, Mercutio and Romeo, Benvolio continues to encourage peace. Benvolio shows his loyal friendship to Romeo when he tells him to “be gone, away!” or “The Prince will doom thee death” for killing Tybalt. Benvolio’s willingness to die shows how much he values honesty.

Why is Benvolio blamed?

It was Benvolio’s fault! Benvolio was the one who invited Romeo to crash the party. Even if it was for good intentions, it was his doing that Romeo even met Juliet. Also, when Tybalt and Mercutio fought, Benvolio just stood aside as his best friend died.

How is Benvolio clear thinking?

Benvolio’s name means Well Wishing which is very reflective throughout the play. Benvolio has many characteristics. He is known as the clear-thinking, reliable, peace- loving ,caring,respectful, trustworthy and responsible young man but will fight if he is pushed to far.

What do Mercutio and Romeo have in common?

Mercutio and Romeo still have similarities. First, it is their bravery and loyalty to friendship. When Tybalt is aggressive and intends to attack Romeo. Mercutio on the behalf of Romeo fights Tybalt(3.1).

How does Benvolio feel about love?

Answer and Explanation: In Romeo and Juliet, Benvolio feels that love looks gentle and appealing, but in reality can be tough and painful.

Is Benvolio romantic?

The first type of love the audience is introduced to is the interchangeable love that Benvolio believes in. He hides from the his true character due to the love he feels for Rosaline, and does not act like himself. Instead he acts like a love struck boy who will never move on.

How is Benvolio a foil to Tybalt?

In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo’s cousin Benvolio (whose name even means good will or benevolence) and Tybalt are foils. While Benvolio is just a nice guy who does everything in his power to stop a fight and keep the peace, Tybalt can’t draw his sword quickly enough. The first time we meet Tybalt is in Act 1, Scene 1.

Why did Tybalt and Benvolio fight?

Benvolio explains that he is merely trying to keep the peace, but Tybalt professes a hatred for peace as strong as his hatred for Montagues, and attacks. The brawl spreads.

What do Benvolio and Tybalt have in common?

One of these similarities is that each of them are a cousin of the two main characters. Tybalt is the cousin of Juliet and Benvolio is the cousin of Romeo. Both Tybalt and Benvolio are both very family oriented and continue to show loyalty to their families throughout the novel.

How is Benvolio a foil to Romeo?

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both Mercutio and Benvolio are character foils for Romeo. Benvolio and Romeo are also opposites in the fact that Benvolio is much more level-headed about love and often looks out for his cousin, Romeo, by telling him that there are many women to love.

Is Benvolio a foil character?

Benvolio is considered to be more of a dramatic foil to Mercutio. Benvolio is Mercutio’s dramatic foil because while Mercutio is extremely hotheaded, impetuous, and rash, Benvolio is one of the most calm, rational characters of the play; he is even one of the play’s peacekeepers.

Who Is Romeo a foil for?

Character Analysis Mercutio. Mercutio, the witty skeptic, is a foil for Romeo, the young Petrarchan lover. Mercutio mocks Romeo’s vision of love and the poetic devices he uses to express his emotions: Romeo, Humors!

What is a foil character examples?

3 Examples of Foil Characters from Literature Some of the most famous examples of foils throughout the history of literature include: John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men. George and Lennie are best friends. They are also physical and emotional opposites: George is small and lean, Lennie is big and strong.

What does it mean to serve as a foil?

You can serve as a foil to someone if you show them to be better than you by contrast. Your brother’s mediocre grades might serve as a foil to your intelligence. As a verb, if you foil someone’s plans or attempts to do something, you cause them to fail.