How to fix birdbath in virtual families?

How to fix birdbath in virtual families?

There is a spot in front of it and to the right where it will drop. You have to hit the exact spot. Then put one person on top of the pump and another right afterwards. They will fix the birdbath on their own.

How do you fix the water hose on virtual families?

Re:Virtual Families-Garden Hose Just drop the tape near the hose (there are two hoses – you want the one nearest the kitchen door) then get one peep taking a shower or using water inside in some way, drop the other peep on the hose, and that one should fix the hose.

At what age do virtual families die?


How long does the mom hold the baby in virtual families 3?

For the first 2 years (in real time, 4 hours after the baby is born) the baby is be held by his/her mother (and/or father in Virtual Families 3). After that, the baby will become a child and the mother can go back to her Career.

What to do if someone is extremely weak in Virtual Families 2?

After they have been sick sometimes they will be “Exhausted” depending on how serious the disease was, and other times they will be Weak, A Bit Weak, or Extremely Weak. Give them vitamins and fruit or have them drink a Chamomile Drink and it will “exhaust” them immediately and force them to go to bed.

How long does it take a baby to age up in virtual families 3?

How long until a baby grows up? How fast do my little people age? From birth to two years of age takes the equivalent of 4 hours of our time. From two years of age until death our little people age at approximately one year every four hours.

Can you have twins in Virtual Families 2?

having twins and triplets, just like in real life, is completely random. Unfortunately, having twins or triplets in Virtual Families 2 is a lot like hitting the jackpot. You never know when or even if it’s going to happen. All you can do is keep trying!

Can two females have a baby in virtual families 3?

Make sure the action says (on both of them) “Trying to make a baby”. After a little while, if you’re lucky, a baby (or two or three – you can have twins or triplets as well, but it’s all based on luck!) will appear in the wife’s arms, and the whole family will start celebrating!

What does a bit blue mean?

‘Blue’ can be used as an adjective which means to feel depressed, dispirited, gloomy, low or sad so if you say someone is a ‘bit blue’ they are feeling a little depressed.

Can you divorce in Virtual Families 2?

Can you get divorce in Virtual Families 2? The only way to remarry in Virtual Families is if one spouse dies, however if one spouse dies, it usually means that the other spouse will become depressed.

How often do marriage proposals come in virtual families?

If you reject that proposal, another one will come in about 45 minutes. If that one is also rejected, you can expect to see a new proposal every 24 hours.

How do you make a new family on Virtual Families 2?

After one or both adults pass and you choose to stay in the home until any remaining children go off to college, like Corylea mentioned, you’ll need to click “Menu,” then “Family” to bring up the Family screen. There should be a “New Generation” button near the top of the screen.

How long does it take for virtual families to sleep?

roughly 6-8 hours

What happens when your kid goes to college in Virtual Families 2?

No, sadly. They do not come back from college until after one or both parents die and you can start a new generation. When this happens, you can start over if you want, or select “New Generation” in the family tree and choose one of your 1-6 children to begin a new generation.

How many generations are there on Virtual Families 2?

There is no limit to the number of generations you can have in Virtual Families 2. However, the Family Tree can only hold 30 families.

How do you dig up bones in Virtual Families 2?

How to dig up the fossil collection – those brown patches in the yard: Must purchase “Rock Hound Certificate” when it comes up in the Flea Market. Cost is $1,500. After purchasing this you can finally start collecting those bones!

How do you use the cinnamon ingredient in Virtual Families 2?

When they’re done preparing the cinnamon, drop them on the orange object by the trash bins. They will take it to the workshop to finish the spray (but don’t bother them). After they’re finished, they will spray it on the ants in the kitchen and get rid of them.

How do you get rid of ants for good in virtual families 3?

Take an adult(or anyone with age >14) near the sink, and next to the brown cinnamon jar. As they will take the jar to the workshop to make a spray to kill the ants.

How do you get the Orange on Virtual Families 2?

Accepted Answer. I figured it out, there is a little orange can that appears after you make the cinnamon mix by the outdoor trash cans. that’s used and then you get the trophy for getting rid of the ants!

How do you clean up after a meal on Virtual Families 2?

There is no way to make them clean up after a meal. It’s something they do on their own eventually. If you close the game completely and then re-open it, the plates of food will be gone. Thank you!

How do you sell furniture on virtual families 3?

Open the Decor tray, then drag the furniture you want to sell to the area outside the front gate. Green colored text will come up above the item and will tell you the price you will get for it.