
How old is Annika Backes?

How old is Annika Backes?

24 years (September 7, 1996)

Is DJ Tiesto married?

Annika Backesm. 2019

Who is Tiesto’s wife?

Where is DJ Tiesto from?

Breda, Netherlands

What is Tiesto’s real name?

Tijs Michiel Verwest

Which country has the most DJS?

The top countries where the DJ’s travel most are;

  • United States.
  • The Netherlands.
  • Germany.
  • China.
  • Spain.

Why is Sweden so good?

With a comparatively high quality of life, strong infrastructure, and the best system of healthcare and education, a large number of people continue moving to Sweden. The Swedish people can be proud of their country as Sweden has been voted the Best Country in the World by newest edition of the Good Country Index.

What music do Swedes listen to?

The most popular music genre among the Swedish population is Pop. This was the result of a 2020 survey. The second most popular one was rock, according to 45 percent of respondents. Traditional folk music, as well as contemporary and art music were less liked, with fewer than ten percent of respondents….

Do Swedes like ABBA?

Nope. I can’t say anything about what the general population think, but personally I love the music they did during their heyday. I also like Björn and Benny’s other musical projects and also the various releases that Anni-Frid and Agneta have had.

Who are the best selling Swedish band of all time?

Top 15 biggest selling Swedish acts

Rank Swedish acts Sold
1. ABBA 500 million +
2. Roxette 75 million +
3. Ace of Base 50 million +
4. Zara Larsson 35 million+

Who is the most famous Swedish person?

  • 1 – Greta Thunberg.
  • 2 – Carolus Linnaeus.
  • 3 – Alfred Nobel.
  • 4 – Gustav III.
  • 5 – Ingrid Bergman.
  • 6 – Björn Borg.
  • 7 – Anders Celsius.
  • 8 – Sigismund III Vasa.

Why Sweden is rich?

Sweden became rich because of a combination of a hard-working culture, a stable society with a high level of trust, ample natural resources, good transport and harbors, a lack of war, and above all, laissez-fair economic policy with very low taxes and little State meddling (i.e the opposite of the Socialist policies …

What are the disadvantages of living in Sweden?


  • Climate is terrible year-round (except few weeks during the summer.
  • Many Swedes are racist, and less socialised to people they do not know.
  • Not that much diverse (Except mostly Middle Easterns in the suburbs)
  • Extremely high taxes.
  • High cost of living.

How many billionaires are there in Sweden?