
How many protons neutrons and electrons does ytterbium have?

How many protons neutrons and electrons does ytterbium have?

Name Ytterbium
Number of Protons 70
Number of Neutrons 103
Number of Electrons 70
Melting Point 824.0° C

How many protons does yttrium have?


What has 102 neutrons and 70 electrons?


What element has 39 neutrons?

Yttrium –

What element has 159 neutrons?


What has an atom with 2 neutrons?

element helium

What element has 106 protons and 159 neutrons?

For example, seaborgium 265, which has a nucleus containing 106 protons and 159 neutrons, decays to rutherfordium 261, which decays to nobelium 257.

Which element does not have any neutron in it?

element hydrogen

What does Protium symbolize?

symbol H

Can an atom have no protons?

Properties. Neutron matter is equivalent to a chemical element with atomic number 0, which is to say that it is equivalent to a species of atoms having no protons in their atomic nuclei. Neutron matter decays quickly into hydrogen. Neutron matter has no electronic structure on account of its total lack of electrons.

Are protons positive?

Proton—positive; electron—negative; neutron—no charge. The charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite. The same number of protons and electrons exactly cancel one another in a neutral atom.

Which is bigger neutron or proton?

The mass of a neutron is slightly greater than the mass of a proton, which is 1 atomic mass unit (amu). (An atomic mass unit equals about 1.kilograms.) A neutron also has about the same diameter as a proton, or 1.7×10−15 meters.

How many neutrons are in gold?

118 neutrons

Where is gold naturally found?

Gold is primarily found as the pure, native metal. Sylvanite and calaverite are gold-bearing minerals. Gold is usually found embedded in quartz veins, or placer stream gravel. It is mined in South Africa, the USA (Nevada, Alaska), Russia, Australia and Canada.

Is gold a stable element?

Just the facts Many artificially created gold isotopes are stable for microseconds or milliseconds before decaying into other elements. One stable isotope. Most common isotopes: Au-197, which makes up 100 percent of naturally occurring gold.

Who found gold first in the world?

Gold Discovered in California. Many people in California figured gold was there, but it was James W. Marshall on January 24, 1848, who saw something shiny in Sutter Creek near Coloma, California.

Will gold ever lose its value?

Although the price of gold can be volatile in the short term, it has always maintained its value over the long term. Through the years, it has served as a hedge against inflation and the erosion of major currencies, and thus is an investment well worth considering.