How many protons does o 15 have?

How many protons does o 15 have?

8 protons

How many electrons will there be in an atomic nucleus with 15 protons?

For a neutral atom with 15 protons, the number of electrons is 15.

What element has a mass number of 15?

nitrogen atoms

What does the 15 in nitrogen 15 mean?

nitrogen-15(Noun) A minor stable isotope of nitrogen, , having seven protons and eight neutrons; it accounts for less than 0.4% of the natural element; it is used in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

What element has 15 protons and 18 neutrons?


What element has 16 protons and 18 neutrons?

Sulfur – S

Are protons immortal?

Protons—whether inside atoms or drifting free in space—appear to be remarkably stable. We’ve never seen one decay. However, nothing essential in physics forbids a proton from decaying. In fact, a stable proton would be exceptional in the world of particle physics, and several theories demand that protons decay.

Can proton be destroyed?

You can’t destroy a particle. You can produce new particles or radiation by colliding protons (or neutrons…), but, in the sense that they explode and disappear, it is impossible. Nevertheless, you can get muons, gamma-rays, or, more interesting, you could be able to “see” the quarks inside the protons for a moment.

Do electrons last forever?

Basic physics suggests that electrons are essentially immortal. A fascinating experiment recently failed to overthrow this fundamental assumption. But the effort has produced a revised minimum lifespan for electrons: 60,000 yottayears, which is — get this — about five-quintillion times the current age of the Universe.

Which is more stable proton or neutron?

This radioactive decay, known as beta decay, is possible because the mass of the neutron is slightly greater than the proton. The free proton is stable. The neutron is unstable in a nucleus when the mass of this nucleus is higher than the sum of the masses of the daughter nucleus + electron + antineutrino.

Can a Proton turn into a neutron?

However within a nucleus, the beta decay process can change a proton to a neutron. If it leads to a more stable nucleus, a proton in a nucleus may capture an electron from the atom (electron capture), and change into a neutron and a neutrino.

Can a neutron exist by itself?

Mononeutron: An isolated neutron undergoes beta decay with a mean lifetime of approximately 15 minutes (half-life of approximately 10 minutes), becoming a proton (the nucleus of hydrogen), an electron and an antineutrino. Its existence has been proven to be relevant for nuclear structure of exotic nuclei.

Is Proton a stable particle?

[+] To the best of our understanding, the proton is a truly stable particle, and has never been observed to decay. Because of the various conservation laws of particle physics, a proton can only decay into lighter particles than itself. It cannot decay into a neutron or any other combination of three quarks.

Can protons be created?

Protons along with electrons and neutrons are the building blocks of atoms. One can obtain a proton by stripping an electron from a hydrogen atom because hydrogen consists of one proton and one electron.

What is the most stable particle?

The only known stable particles in nature are the electron (and anti-electron), the lightest of the three types of neutrinos (and its anti-particle), and the photon and (presumed) graviton (which are their own anti-particles). The presumed graviton, too, is stable.

What’s the smallest subatomic particle?


Where is a neutron?


Particle Symbol Location
proton p+ inside the nucleus
electron e− outside the nucleus
neutron n0 inside the nucleus