How long is the pearl?

How long is the pearl?

90 pages

What is Chapter 1 of the Pearl about?

In this chapter, Steinbeck foreshadows eventual changes in Kino’s character when he smashes his fist on the doctor’s gate. This event shows that Kino reverts to violence and anger when confronted with adversity, yet when he does so he hurts only himself.

What is Chapter 6 of the Pearl about?

Kino stares at the pearl to read his future. He lies to Juana, telling her that he sees a rifle, a marriage in a church, and an education for Coyotito. In truth Kino sees a body bleeding on the ground, Juana making her way home through the night after being beaten, and Coyotito’s face swollen as though he were sick.

What is Chapter 5 of the Pearl about?

In the darkness inside Juan Tomás’s house, Kino and Juana listen as the neighbors attempt to subdue the fire and speculate that Kino and Juana have been killed in the blaze. The couple can only listen as Juan Tomás’s wife, Apolonia, wails in mourning for the loss of her relatives.

Who killed Coyotito?

Kino hides Juana

Who did Kino kill in the Pearl?


What race is Kino in the Pearl?

Native American

Why does Kino say the pearl is his soul?

The meaning of the quote “This pearl has become my soul,” said Kino. The meaning of this quote is that the pearl that Kino has found isn’t just a pearl he has but it has become a part of him and if he gives it away or sells it, it will take his soul as well.

What does a white pearl mean?

White pearls symbolize innocence, beauty, sincerity, and new beginnings. This is what makes the white pearl a true classic for bridal jewelry. It’s the most common pearl that you’ll see used in any sort of jewelry today.

What is the moral lesson of the Pearl?

Lesson Summary The Pearl is a parable, a moral lesson, about gratitude and the dangers of greed. Because parables offer a moral lesson, being grateful for the things one already has serves as the theme.

What does Kino fear in the Pearl?

Answer and Explanation: After finding the pearl, Kino acts fearful the first night. When Juana asks him what he is afraid of, he says he is afraid of everything. In truth, he is afraid of others will come to steal the pearl, and he is afraid of any misfortune the pearl may invite into his life.

What is the main theme in the Pearl?

In ”The Pearl” by John Steinbeck, the theme of the destructive power of greed is explored as the characters navigate their personal desires, destiny, and racism. We will explore the devastating effect of Kino’s sudden change from being poor but happy, to possibly instantly wealthy.

What does Coyotito symbolize in the Pearl?

One of the main things Coyotito symbolizes is innocence. Coyotito isn’t the one with the pearl, but he still pays the price of Kino’s foolishness. He was the center of Kino and Juana’s life until the pearl, a innocent little infant from the beginning to the end. …

What did the doctor give Coyotito?

The doctor takes a bottle of white powder and a gelatin capsule, and gives Coyotito a pill. When the doctor returns, he gives Coyotito water with ammonia and tells Kino that the baby will get well now. Kino tells the doctor that he will pay him once he has sold his pearl.

What do the beggars symbolize in the Pearl?

The beggars were observers and gossip mongers. They kept track of the townspeople’s sins…. They were students of the expressions of young women as they went in to confession, and they saw them as they came out and read the nature of the sin.

Who is Juana in the Pearl?

Lesson Summary Juana is a strong, compatible, loving wife to Kino. They enjoy their life together with their son, Coyotito. She demands nothing more, until Coyotito is stung by a scorpion and needs to see a doctor. Using prayers and black magic, Juana summons Kino to find the pearl.

Who died in the Pearl?

In the book, Coyotito died at the end leaving Kino and Juana devastated, but in the movie Coyotito doesn’t die and they are all rather happy after the pearl.

Why did Juana not leave Kino?

Nevertheless, Juana, who has a strong sense of family, refuses to go; moreover, she feels too vulnerable without a man; so, because she cannot survive without him, she is willing to risk danger in order to keep her family together.

How old is Coyotito?

Coyotito’s age is not given, but we know that he is very young. He is a baby, definitely under two years old and likely under one.

What is the best offer Kino gets for his pearl?

The Pearl

What is the best offer Kino gets for his pearl? 1500 pesos
What reason does the dealer give for not liking Kino’s pearl? He said it was fake
How does Kino decide tomake money when he realizes that the local pearl dealers are lowballing him? He decides to go to the capital

Is the pearl based on a true story?

This story is based upon a true story (parable) that Steinbeck heard when he was there on a marine biology expedition. The Pearl is a novella, which is a shorter novel that tells a story with several characters and may have more than one plot, with complex levels or situations, and it presents a picture of real life.

Why does Juana want to throw the pearl away?

They were almost robbed and Kino got attacked. Again at the end of the chapter (chapter four), Juana wants to throw away the pearl because it is evil. She went towards the shore to try to throw the pearl away.

Who is Kino afraid of?

Kino is afraid the Gods will see his success he got on his own and take revenge on him for not giving back.

What did each person think of when he heard the news of the Pearl?

The news of Kino’s pearl spread quickly across town. What did each person think of when he heard it? Each person thought of of their own doings with the pearl and did not think of others. He wanted to treat Coyotito and to convince his father into giving the pearl.

Where does Kino go to sell the pearl?

La Paz

What is the pearl buyers trick?

The pearl buyer’s trick of rolling the coin through his fingers is symbolic of his “trickery” with money. Kino is aware that the pearlbuyers are in league with each other, but he decides to give them a try; perhaps they will unexpectedly give him a fair price.

Was the Pearl evil or honest Why?

If the pearl in the final lines of the novel is described as being “grey and ulcerous,” and evil, this is only because it has been made evil by the greed of man. In a sense, the pearl therefore acts as a mirror of the men that yearn for it.

Why does the pearl dealer try to devalue Kino’s pearl?

The pearl buyers got satisfaction out of their job by the pearl hunt and if it be (is) a man’s function to break down a price, he could make the price as low as he wants. The priest justify the loss of the townspeople’s pearls by saying it was a punishment visited on those who tried to leave their station.