How long does a Lennox Pulse Furnace Last?

How long does a Lennox Pulse Furnace Last?

around 15 to 20 years

How efficient is a Lennox Pulse Furnace?

The Lennox Pulse is a discontinued gas furnace with an AFUE of up to 95.5%. The unit had an automotive-type spark plug ignitor used on the initial cycle only, which helped save energy, and worked on the pulse principle, meaning it did not require a pilot burner, main burners, conventional flue or chimney.

How does a pulse furnace work?

Pulse Combustion Furnaces Gas and air are drawn into a combustion chamber and ignited by an electronic spark. Because they’re so efficient, pulse furnaces cost a lot less to operate than conventional furnaces. AFUE ratings range between 90% and 97%, meaning that almost no energy is wasted.

Does a Lennox Pulse Furnace have a pilot light?

The G21 furnace has no pilot light or burners. An automotive type spark plug is used for ignition on the initial cycle only, saving gas and electrical energy. In the pulse combustion process, the use of atmo- spheric burners is eliminated, with combustion confined to heat ex- changer combustion chamber.

How old is my Lennox Pulse Furnace?

The date of production/manufacture or age of Lennox® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate.

Where is the flame sensor on a Lennox Pulse Furnace?

Look for a thin metal rod on the left side of the burner assembly; this is the flame sensor.

What does an ignition sensor look like on a furnace?

A furnace flame sensor is a very basic part of your furnace. It’s located on the burner assembly and is just a thin metallic rod. It’s usually bent, and it sits just in front of the pilot flame inside the furnace. The sensor is there to confirm that there’s actually a fire present when the gas is open.

How long do furnace flame sensors last?

two to three years

Can you bypass a flame sensor?

In short, you cannot bypass the flame sensor and manually light your furnace. Bypassing safety controls, even when possible, should never be done. Instead, you should try cleaning or replacing your flame sensor to get it and your furnace back to good working order.

How much does it cost to replace a flame sensor on a furnace?

Flame sensor repairs fall between $75 to $250. The average cost to repair your thermostat will range from $100 to $400….Furnace Repair Costs by Part.

Flame Sensor $75 – $250
Draft Inducer Motor $200 – $1,500
Flue Pipe $400 – $800
Blower Motor $400 – $1,500
Heat Exchanger Replacement $500 – $1,500

How often should the furnace turn on?

three to eight times per hour

Why do furnace flame sensors go bad?

As with any piece of equipment a simple reason could be that dirty flame sensor just goes bad. However a more common reason is that it is just dirty. It is a sensitive sensor so any type of dust or carbon buildup could cause it to malfunction.

What causes a weak flame on a furnace?

Possible causes: A bad limit switch. The limit switch may be bad and need to be replaced. Bad thermostat. Your thermostat may be incorrectly telling your furnace that your home is warm enough, which shuts off the burners.

What does it mean when your furnace won’t stay lit?

If your furnace’s pilot light won’t stay on, the furnace won’t work. Some common causes include issues with the thermocouple and pilot tube. A faulty thermocouple may arbitrarily determine that the light is off when you want it on and vice versa. It could simply be that the thermocouple is bent.

Should I see a flame in my furnace?

If a yellow or orange flame is noticed the furnace should be shut down until a professional can inspect it. A faulty or broken thermostat will also give homeowners warning signs.

What color should the flame in your furnace be?


What does orange light on furnace mean?

If your furnace displays a flashing light or if a light that’s normally green changes to orange, yellow or red, it could indicate a problem with the flame, pressure or fuse.

What are the symptoms of a cracked heat exchanger?

Here are the signs to watch out for:

  • Abnormal Smells. When your heat exchanger is defective, it may give off an eye-watering chemical scent.
  • Water Around Your Furnace.
  • Black Soot Buildup.
  • Wear and Tear Damage on Your Furnace.
  • Physical Ailments.
  • What should I do if I think it might be cracked?

Can you run a furnace with a cracked heat exchanger?

If it is your heat exchanger, you cannot run your furnace, even if it seems to be running fine. The gases will continue to seep into your home’s air. Many companies, upon finding a cracked heat exchanger, will shut your furnace down so you cannot run it.

Can a cracked heat exchanger cause a fire?

Furnace Fires Carbon monoxide poisoning is not the only possible danger a cracked heat exchanger presents. If combustible gas builds up in your heating unit and is released into your home through a fracture, it can lead to a potentially deadly furnace fire.

How do you inspect a heat exchanger?

Inspect the interior of heat exchanger with mirror and flashlight check for evidence of water indicating a crack, rust perforation or crimp leak. Then there may be times you just need to pull the heat exchanger and fill it with water just to verify where the leak is at.

What happens when heat exchanger fails?

If the heat exchanger is compromised by a crack or rust, flue gases and carbon monoxide will leak into the home resulting in illness and possibly death of the occupants.

Do electric furnaces have heat exchangers?

Electric furnaces do not use heat exchangers But electric furnaces heat the air directly using heating elements, which burn hot as electricity passes through them. Homeowners often believe that a gas furnace will still operate and keep a house warm during a power outage.