How is Tom Robinson generous?

How is Tom Robinson generous?

Generous: Tom demonstrates his generous nature by helping Mayella Ewell without accepting her money. Trusting: Tom trusts that Mayella will not endanger his well-being, which is why he agrees to enter her home in the first place. Innocent: Despite being accused and convicted, Tom never assaulted or raped Mayella Ewell.

What does Tom Robinson symbolize?

Tom Robinson symbolizes an innocent fragile songbird because he does no harm to society, his voice is ignored by almost everyone, and he gets shot and killed just like an innocent fragile songbird. …

Does Atticus say that kissing Tom was a crime?

Does Atticus say that kissing Tom was a crime? Atticus describes Mayella’s kissing Tom as a violation of a social code but not as a crime.

Who does Atticus say guilty?

Mayella Ewell

What did Calpurnia’s note to Atticus say?

Calpurnia hands Atticus a note telling him that his children have not been home since noon. Atticus tells them to go home and have supper. They beg to be allowed to hear the verdict; Atticus says that they can return after supper, though he knows that the jury will likely have returned before then.

What did Atticus whisper to Tom?

disappointment as Jem does, but he is able to conceal it. What do you think Atticus whispers to Tom Robinson just before he leaves the courtroom? Atticus is likely telling Tom that they will appeal the case. As Scout looks around, she notices that all the black people are standing up as Atticus walks down the aisle.

Why does JEM think Tom would be found innocent?

Jem thinks that Tom Robinson will be found innocent. Jem is still a child and does not understand discrimination. He does not understand that the jury will say he is guilty because he is black. Atticus did his best to defend Tom and Atticus knows that Tom did not rape Mayella.

Who walks down the middle aisle carrying a note to Atticus?

1. Calpurnia walks down the aisle carrying a note to Atticus.

Why was Jem so certain that Tom Robinson would be acquitted?

Why is Jem so certain that Tom Robinson would be acquitted? He thinks that the jury would decide the case on the evidence, not on their prejudices. The jury takes a long time to convict Tom. This is unusual because the delay shows that the people thought about the conviction.

What does aunt Alexandra call Atticus 22?

Aunt Alexandra calls Atticus her “Brother” which Scout had never heard her do before. What does Attius mean when he says “seems that only children weep” to Jem after the trial. Atticus is saying that after a man if wrongfully put to death in Maycomb- children are the only ones that see the wrong in that.

What does Atticus mean when he says it seems that only?

seems that only children weep

When Jem asks Maudie who besides Atticus helped Tom?

Who said, “We’re so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we’ve got men like Atticus to go for us.” What did Miss Maudie say when Jem asked her to name one person who had helped Tom Robinson besides Atticus? Tom’s colored friends, Judge Taylor, Heck Tate, and people like Miss Maudie?

Why does scout like hanging around men?

Why does Scout prefer the company of men as opposed to that of women? She is mystified by the world of women and feels much more at home in her father’s world. As she explains, “People like Mr.

What physical signs indicate that JEM is growing up?

Jem is undergoing several physical changes as he matures. Scout notices that his eyebrows have become heavier, his body is slimmer, and he is growing taller. When he brings Scout into his room, he lifts his shirt to show her the beginnings of hair growth on his chest. He adds that he has hair under his arms now, too.

How does JEM show he is growing up in Chapter 14?

In Chapter 14, after Scout gets an attitude with Aunt Alexandra, Jem tries to tell her that she needs to stop antagonizing Alexandra for the sake of Atticus. Jem is displaying his maturation by understanding his father’s growing anxiety due to the upcoming trial, and attempts to discuss his sister’s attitude.

What are the four kinds of folks in Maycomb?

There’s four kinds of folks in Maycomb County. There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes.

How does JEM change throughout the story?

Jem becomes more cynical and starts to see why Boo Radley stays inside, when the world that he lives in is so cruel. This climatic event truly shows how Jem changed throughout the story; from an immature kid who harassed his shy neighbor, to selfless older brother who risked his life to protect his sister.

When did Jem lose his innocence?

Jem Jem Finch loses his innocence when he realizes that not everything in the world is good. After the trial Tom Robinson was found guilty, because it was his word against a white man’s, Jem realized that not everyone is as good of person as he thought they were.

How does Tom Robinson show courage?

Tom displays courage by testifying that a white woman made advances towards him which was a very controversial claim at the time. Tom is not intimidated by the racist jury and boldly tells the truth during his testimony. Tom also shows courage by attempting to escape from the Enfield Prison Farm.

What type of character is Jem?

Jeremy Atticus Finch, Jr., or Jem, is growing into an adolescent in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird. ‘ Jem is brave and curious, has a protective nature, and comes to understand his own sense of morality.