How is Mary Warren used by both sides?

How is Mary Warren used by both sides?

Hover for more information. Mary Warren is a pawn throughout the entire play. Mary is used by Abigail Williams to cast guilt on Elizabeth Proctor by bringing a poppet into her house. The poppet has a pin in it, and it is used as evidence to prove that Elizabeth harmed Abigail with the pin and the doll.

What kind of person is Mary Warren?

Mary is the Proctors’ servant after Abigail was let go. She’s a weak person, prone to hysterics and drawn to drama. She moves back and forth between the pack of lying girls and the Proctors, drawn by the girls but knowing the Proctors are innocent.

How does Mary Warren feel about herself?

In Act II, she presents herself as much stronger and assertive because of her role in the trials. Simply put, Mary has power and she is not afraid to show it. The fact that she tells Proctor that she is tired and that she cannot be bothered with all that she has to do is reflective of this.

Why does Mary Warren accuse Proctor?

In The Crucible, Mary Warren accuses John Proctor of witchcraft in order to protect herself from Abigail’s wrath, as well as the judgment of her..

Who did Mary Warren accuse in Act 2?

Hover for more information. In Arthur Miller’s play version of The Crucible, the story Mary tells Elizabeth Proctor in Act Two about the woman in church who cursed her and made her very sick for two days is actually about Sarah Good, not Sarah Osburn.

Why does Mary Warren accuse goody good?

Mary Warren accuses goody good as a witch because she did not know her commandments.

Why did Mary Warren give the poppet to Elizabeth?

The poppet that Mary Warren innocently gives to Elizabeth foreshadows Elizabeth’s arrest in Scene 4. When Mary Warren tells them the court accused Elizabeth, Abigail’s plan becomes clear. Time is now the most important element in the play. With each arrest for witchcraft, Abigail gains credibility.

What does Mary Warren give Elizabeth?


How did Mary Warren save Elizabeth’s life?

When he threatens to whip Mary, she stops him by saying, “I saved her life today!” (Miller, 63). Therefore, Mary Warren’s testimony saves Elizabeth from being arrested for witchcraft. Later in act two, Abigail Williams accuses Elizabeth Proctor of sending her spirit after her, and deputies of the court arrest her.

Who comes to the house to question the proctors?


What’s the irony of John’s recitation of the Ten Commandments?

What’s the irony of John’s recitation of the Ten Commandments? The irony of John’s recitation of the Ten Commandments is that he forgot adultery and he committed adultery on his wife.

Why is it ironic that John forgets the commandment?

Irony is created here because the audience, along with Proctor and Elizabeth, realizes that he really “forgot” the commandment when he had the affair with Abigail. Proctor has not incorporated this commandment into his life, so it fails to remain in his memory.

Why does Mary seem to change her mind about telling the truth?

Why does Mary seem to change her mind about telling the truth? She is scared of Abigail and the others. When he comes in from planting, what suggestion does John Proctor make to his wife concerning the house?

What quote did Proctor use for Mary remain brave?

What quote did Proctor use to help Mary remain brave? “Do that which is good, and no harm will come to thee.” Ironic that Proctor later does that which he believes to be good and yet he is hanged.

Is Hale sympathetic?

Hale fights for Proctor’s life. Reverend Hale is absolutely sympathetic in Act III. He recognizes the anguish that John Proctor is experiencing when he yells out that Abigail is a “whore” and a liar.