
How is Jem Finch described?

How is Jem Finch described?

Jeremy Atticus Finch, Jr., or Jem, is growing into an adolescent in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird. ‘ Jem is brave and curious, has a protective nature, and comes to understand his own sense of morality.

How is Jem described in Chapter 1?

The only description of the nearly ten-year old Jem in Chapter 1 seems to indicate that he has long or bushy hair and is taller than Dill. Jem brushed his hair back to get a better look.

What are Jem’s character traits?

Harper Lee characterizes Jem as a generous, sensitive adolescent who can be temperamental at times but has a genuine, sincere heart. Similar to Atticus, Jem is honorable, trustworthy, mature, and protective. He is also a responsible, humble child, and he tries his best to follow in Atticus’s footsteps.

How is Jem a round character?

Jem is a “round” character in this novel. Jem gains life experiences and wisdom later in the novel. He is just as unsure as Scout is with events in the beginning but as he has time to live in the world longer, he comes to realize the reasons behind everything.

Is Jem flat or round?

Jem is flat, I feel. It’s not that his character is a “boring character.” It’s that he doesn’t really have a lot of developed characteristics. He is also static, to me, because he doesn’t really change a lot throughout the story, besides puberty and things to that effect.

Is mayella a flat or round character?

Mayella is a flat character. We only meet her in Chapter 18, and then she is gone. She responds to the attorneys’ questions during the trial. She is afraid of what Atticus will do to her on the stand, so she is reluctant to talk.

Is Calpurnia a flat or round character?

Calpurnia is a round, yet static character in To Kill a Mockingbird. She is not just a cook or caretaker; Calpurnia is the closest thing Jem and Scout have to a mother.

Is Tom Robinson a minor character?

In the novel, the protagonist, Atticus Finch, is a defence lawyer who is appointed to represent a black man, Tom Robinson, who is charged with raping a white woman. Through the minor character Tom Robinson, I realised that Atticus Finch seeks justice and equality.

Is Mayella Ewell a static or dynamic character?

Mayella is a static character, because she is a supporting character and does not change. In literature, a static character is one who does not change from the beginning to the end of the book. A dynamic character grows and changes.

Is Dill static or dynamic?

Dill Harris is an example of a static character because he does not experience a dramatic inner change and his personality does not fluctuate throughout the story.

Is Atticus a static character?

Atticus’s attitude, behavior, perspective, and beliefs do not change in Part One, which makes him a static character. Unlike Atticus, Jem and Scout experience drastic changes later on in the novel and are considered dynamic characters.

Is Mrs Dubose static or dynamic?

Static Character: She is a static character because she does not change at all during the book, she mostly stays cranky and vicious.

Why is Mrs Dubose so mean?

Mrs. Dubose represents the way most of the town feels about the trial. She is an old woman who continuously yells at Jem and Scout as they pass by her house. The children are afraid of her because of the yelling and they are afraid that she might actually call to them.

What type of character is Mrs Dubose?

Mrs. An elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives near the Finches. Although Jem believes that Mrs. Dubose is a thoroughly bad woman, Atticus admires her for the courage with which she battles her morphine addiction.

How does Atticus say they should treat Mrs Dubose?

Atticus advises Jem to hold his head up high and act like a gentleman whenever Mrs. Dubose says something disrespectful. He tells Jem not to respond and urges him to be polite at all times.

What does JEM buy with his birthday money?

What did Jem spend his birthday money on? Jem bought a steam engine for himself and a twirling baton for Scout with his birthday money. She said Scout would grow up to be a waitress.

What does Jem say about Mrs Dubose?

Dubose’s insults to Jem, his compassion amounts to evasion. “Jem,” he says, “she is old and ill. You can’t hold her responsible for what she says and does” (p. 140).

Did Mrs Dubose have cancer?

Mrs. Dubose died of suffering many years of cancer. Before her doctor told her she only had a few months to live she decided she wanted to die free of her addiction to morphine. Dubose had finally conquered her morphine addiction and was not dependent on it anymore.

What is Atticus response to the gossip?

What is Atticus’ response to the gossip? Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, a noble black man. Although Atticus is only saying what he believes, the town is lashing out on Atticus for it, but Atticus ignores them.

Why did Atticus not drop case?

Atticus says that he could not make Jem or Scout obey him if he didn’t take Tom’s case because he would be compromising his morals and ethics. Every moral lesson he ever gave Jem and Scout would be discredited and he would be no better than his hypocritical neighbors.

What does Scout’s response to these taunts reveal about her?

How does Scout react to Francis’s taunts? Scout makes Uncle Jack promise not to tell Atticus about the incident; she wants to protect Atticus from knowing what Francis said. More importantly, she does not want Atticus to know that she let her temper get the best of her.