How is Ayn pronounced?

How is Ayn pronounced?

AYN is pronounced “INE” like “mine” or “shine” but with a little more emphasis on the ‘AY’ or “i” and a slight hesitation before the “n.” The best I can do phonetically is EYE-n. Ayn Rand was a Russian-born American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and had two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

What is the meaning of the title Atlas Shrugged?

The title is a reference to Atlas, a Titan in Greek mythology, who is described in the novel as “the giant who holds the world on his shoulders”.

What is Ayn Rand’s real name?

Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum

What happened to Ayn Rand?

Rand died of heart failure on March 6, 1982, at her home in New York City, and was interred in the Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, New York. Rand’s funeral was attended by some of her prominent followers, including Alan Greenspan.

Why did Ayn Rand move to the US?

The arrival of a letter from cousins in Chicago gave her an opportunity to leave the country on the pretext of gaining expertise that she could apply in the Soviet film industry. Upon her arrival in the United States in 1926, she changed her name to Ayn Rand.

Why is Atlas Shrugged important?

Atlas Shrugged has shaped the worldview of many devotees of liberty, and it surged in popularity in the wake of the recent financial crisis since it became clear that the government’s response to crisis and recession would not be to learn from its mistakes and recede but to expand its reach.

Is Atlas Shrugged a classic?

Atlas Shrugged, a modern classic and Rand’s most extensive statement of Objectivism—her groundbreaking philosophy—offers the reader the spectacle of human greatness, depicted with all the poetry and power of one of the twentieth century’s leading artists.

Why is fountainhead controversial?

“The Fountainhead,” penned by Ayn Rand in 1943, remains controversial to this day, partly due to occurrences in the novel but more so because of Ayn Rand herself. The reason “The Fountainhead” is so controversial as a work of literature is its rape scene between the two main characters, Roark and Dominique.

How does Fountainhead end?

In the last scene of the novel we follow Dominique as she visits the construction site of Howard Roark’s new skyscraper. Roark is now her husband (the male and female leads have fittingly gotten married), and the building is the skyscraper to end all skyscrapers. It is the best skyscraper ever.

Is the fountainhead a classic?

Today, The Fountainhead has achieved the status of a modern classic. It is taught in college literature and philosophy courses, as well as in high school English classes. The Fountainhead continues to be an example of its own theme: the struggle for acceptance of great new ideas in human society.

Why Does Dominique want to destroy Roark?

Dominique pits herself against Roark in hopes that he will foil her attempts to ruin him, which would thus disprove her cynical view of the world. Even in love affairs, The Fountainhead favors the strong over the weak, praising the violence of Roark’s relationship over the meekness of Keating’s relationship.

Why did Dominique Francon marry Peter Keating?

Dominique tells Roark that she will punish herself by marrying Keating because she refuses to be happy in a world that does not appreciate Roark. Roark tells her that he loves her and will not stop her. He wants her whole and will wait for her to grow.

Which is better the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged?

Atlas Shrugged is a far better introduction to her philosophy, but somewhat less cohesive as a novel. The Fountainhead is a more enjoyable novel, but you have to read a bit more between the lines (A bit more… Rand is fond of long monologues) to get to the philosophical heart.

What is the meaning of Who is John Galt?

“Who is John Galt?” The book’s opening line, “Who is John Galt?”, becomes an expression of helplessness and despair at the current state of the novel’s fictionalized world. The book’s protagonist, Dagny Taggart, hears a number of legends of Galt, before finding him.

What is the philosophy of Ayn Rand?

The core of Rand’s philosophy — which also constitutes the overarching theme of her novels — is that unfettered self-interest is good and altruism is destructive. This, she believed, is the ultimate expression of human nature, the guiding principle by which one ought to live one’s life.

What’s wrong with Ayn Rand’s Objectivist ethics?

Ayn Rand bases her morality of selfish egoism on a flawed conception of value, argues Ari Armstrong in What’s Wrong with Ayn Rand’s Objectivist Ethics. The book offers insights and challenges for those who are new to Rand’s ideas as well as to those who have long studied Rand’s philosophy.

Why is it called objectivism?

The name “Objectivism” derives from the idea that human knowledge and values are objective: they exist and are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by one’s mind, and are not created by the thoughts one has.

Is Libertarian an Objectivist?

Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism has been and continues to be a major influence on the right-libertarian movement, particularly libertarianism in the United States. Many right-libertarians justify their political views using aspects of Objectivism.

How popular is Atlas Shrugged?

First published in 1957, “Atlas Shrugged” continues to draw media attention, including a recent episode of “Stossel” on Fox Business Network dedicated to the novel. More than 7,000,000 copies of “Atlas Shrugged” have been sold since it was first published.

Who came up with objectivism?

Objectivism, philosophical system identified with the thought of the 20th-century Russian-born American writer Ayn Rand and popularized mainly through her commercially successful novels The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957).

What is the opposite of Objectivism?

The opposite of objectivism is subjectivism. Subjectivism contends that moral values are dependent on a human or divine will. Unlike objectivism, subjectivism argues that moral values can change from one situation to another.

What is a moral objectivist?

Moral Objectivism holds that there are objective, universal moral principles that are valid for all people. Louis Pojman proposes one such moral principle that he believes is binding upon all human beings: “It is morally wrong to torture people just for the fun of it.”