How far can you see from 200 feet up?

How far can you see from 200 feet up?

17.3 statute miles

How tall is a 5 story house?

about 14 feet

Can you survive a 4 story drop?

The median lethal distance for falls is four stories or 48 feet, according to the reference book Trauma Anesthesia. This means that 50% of patients who fall four stories will die. The chance of death increases to 90% when the fall is seven stories, the book said. It doesn’t take much of a fall to cause damage.

Can you survive jumping off a 5 story building?

People who fall just a few stories and land on their heads almost always die: According to a study published in the journal Injury, you’re just as likely to survive a five-story fall landing feet first as you are a one-story fall headfirst.

How long would it take to fall 200 feet?

one second

How far would a person fall in 6 seconds?

The formula I learned in high school Physics is s=1/2gt squared, where s is distance in meters, g is the force of gravity (10 meters per second per second), and t is time in seconds. So in 6 seconds, a person will fall 5 x 36 or 180 meters.

At what speed does a person fall?

In a stable, belly to earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120 mph).

How many feet do you fall in a second?

On Earth, a free-falling object accelerates at 32 feet per second. This means that after two seconds the object is falling at 64 feet per second, and after three seconds it’s travelling at 96 feet per second, and so on.

How far do you fall in 2 seconds?

The first equation shows that, after one second, an object will have fallen a distance of 1/2 × 9.8 × 12 = 4.9 m. After two seconds it will have fallen 1/2 × 9.8 × 22 = 19.6 m; and so on.

How fast is one G in mph?

22 miles per hour

How long does it take to fall 4000 feet?

You need to do 176 * 5.42, and you end up with ft., which is ~954. Then you can do 4000 – 954 = 3046 ft left. So 21.72 + 5.42 = 27.14 seconds to fall that distance.