
How do you use worn?

How do you use worn?

Use “worn” in a sentence | “worn” sentence examples

  1. I’ve only worn this jumper twice, and it’s already begun to bobble.
  2. The collar on my coat has worn thin,so I must patch it.
  3. These shoes are looking rather worn.
  4. She had been worn down by poverty and illness.
  5. The point of the pencil had been worn down when I finished this letter.

What do you mean by worn?

Worn is the past participle of wear. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Worn is used to describe something that is damaged or thin because it is old and has been used a lot.

How do you use worn out in a sentence?

I’ve worn out two pairs of shoes this year. I’m worn out by the hard work. Shakespeare once noted that changes in fashion often cause people to discard clothing before it is worn out.

Is worn past tense?

the past tense of wear can be wore (past tense) and worn (past participle).

What does being worn out mean?

adjective. worn or used beyond repair. depleted of energy, strength, or enthusiasm; exhausted; fatigued.

What is another word for worn out?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for worn-out, like: ruined, dilapidated, shot, crumbling, useless, falling apart, ramshackle, used-up, gone, destroyed and decrepit.

How do you describe worn out clothes?


  1. skanky. adjective. informal very unpleasant or dirty.
  2. scruffy. adjective. untidy or dirty.
  3. shabby. adjective. dressed in clothes that are old or in bad condition.
  4. down-at-heel. adjective.
  5. dishevelled. adjective.
  6. ragged. adjective.
  7. slovenly. adjective.
  8. wind-blown. adjective.

What Warned means?

to give notice, advice, or intimation to (a person, group, etc.) of danger, impending evil, possible harm, or anything else unfavorable: They warned him of a plot against him. She was warned that her life was in danger. to urge or advise to be careful; caution: to warn a careless driver.

How do you spell warning?

Correct spelling for the English word “warning” is [wˈɔːnɪŋ], [wˈɔːnɪŋ], [w_ˈɔː_n_ɪ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….88 words made out of letters WARNING

  1. gar,
  2. nag,
  3. iga,
  4. win,
  5. gin,
  6. ani,
  7. nig,
  8. raw,

How do you warn someone in English?

When we want to tell someone to be careful as they leave to go somewhere we often use these expressions:

  1. Take care. “Take care on the roads.
  2. Mind how you go. “It was great seeing you.
  3. Look out! “Look out!
  4. Watch out! “Watch out!
  5. Easy does it.
  6. Steady.
  7. Better safe than sorry.
  8. You can’t be too careful.

What’s another word for warning?


  • admonishment,
  • admonition,
  • alarm.
  • (also alarum),
  • alert,
  • caution,
  • forewarning,
  • heads-up,

What is another word for warning or caution?

What is another word for warning?

alert forewarning
notice signal
tip alarm
caution hint
sign tocsin

What is a stark warning?

unpleasantly clear and obvious: His death is a stark warning to other people about the dangers of drugs.

How do you use the word warning in a sentence?

Warning sentence example

  1. “I’m warning you,” she said again, backing away.
  2. Len shot Howard a warning look.
  3. He bent down his head and listened, shaking a warning finger at his master.
  4. Her eyes burned in warning and she looked away.
  5. You’re going to ignore my warning , aren’t you?
  6. He shot her a warning look.

What part of speech is warning?

part of speech: noun. definition 1: the words, sound, or act of a person or thing that warns. synonyms: admonition, alert, caution, monition, notice similar words: alarm, caveat, indication, omen, portent, premonition, sign, signal, tocsin.

What means clear alert?

Now, when someone reports an adult ages 18 to 64 missing in Texas, authorities issue a CLEAR Alert through the state’s Emergency Broadcast system with the endangered person’s information and last known whereabouts. “The CLEAR Alert is a game changer.