
How do you use Philoprogenitiveness in a sentence?

How do you use Philoprogenitiveness in a sentence?

Then along comes a lady from the adoption agency who seems to be able to inspire a good deal more philoprogenitiveness in the husband than is inspired by his wife. It is far otherwise, and many of these gentry have the organ of philoprogenitiveness strongly developed.

What does offspring mean?

1a : the product of the reproductive processes of an animal or plant : young, progeny The disease can be transmitted from parent to offspring.

What does the word reconnoitre mean?

English Language Learners Definition of reconnoiter : to go to (a place or area) in order to find out information about a military enemy : to do a reconnaissance of (a place)

What does reconnoitering the rim mean?

, (U.S.) reconnoiter. vb. 1 to survey or inspect (an enemy’s position, region of land, etc. ); make a reconnaissance (of)

What do you call someone who does reconnaissance?

A scout or reconnoiterer is the word you are looking for. But if you want to use the word for someone who does reconnaissance during flight, you could use air observer which means: An air observer is a military aircrew member whose duties are predominantly reconnaissance.

What is the difference between reconnaissance and surveillance?

The difference between surveillance and reconnaissance has to do with time and specificity; surveillance is a more prolonged and deliberate activity, while reconnaissance missions are generally rapid and targeted to retrieve specific information.

What is recon in military terms?

Reconnaissance is a mission to obtain information by visual observation or other detection methods, about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. Reconnaissance (US Army FM 7-92; Chap.

What is G slang for?

short for “gangster” or “gangsta.” Used in greeting to a friend or associate.

What does reckoned mean in English?

1 : to settle accounts. 2 : to make a calculation. 3a : judge. b chiefly dialectal : suppose, think. 4 : to accept something as certain : place reliance I reckon on your promise to help..

Where do they say reckon?

JOHNSTON: You know, like in England, it’s quite common to say ‘reckon,’ which in American English is quite unusual, or you might here it in the South perhaps or in more old-fashioned contexts.” AA: “Like, ‘I reckon I’ll go in when the sun gets too hot. ‘”

What does it mean when someone is looking for a reckoning?

the time when one is called to account for one’s actions, to pay one’s debts, or to fulfill one’s promises or obligations.

What happens on the day of reckoning?

Day of reckoning refers to the Last Judgment of God in Christian and Islamic belief during which everyone after death is called to account for their actions committed in life.

What does the phrase Day of Reckoning mean?

: a time when the consequences of a course of mistakes or misdeeds are felt the flow of wealth … hurried overstocking and brought the day of reckoning nearer— R. A. Billington.

What’s an example of hypocrisy?

An example of a hypocrite is a person who says they care about the environment, but are constantly littering. A person who pretends to be what he or she is not; specif., one who pretends to be pious, virtuous, etc. without really being so.

What is the root cause of hypocrisy?

Self-interest is the most obvious reason for any of us to act like hypocrites. When people are questioned about why they act in conflict with their own stated moral standards, many will say that the personal costs are enough to outweigh the intention to act morally. Our hypocrisy helps us out, that’s for sure.

Who is hypocrite person?

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. Other Words from hypocrite Example Sentences Learn More about hypocrite.

Is the church full of hypocrites?

On one hand, yes, the church is full of hypocrites. When Christians turn a faith of healing and forgiveness into an excuse to hate others, they are hypocrites. When a church leader tells you to give money to help the work of God and puts it in his own pocket, he is a hypocrite.