
How do you use initiation in a sentence?

How do you use initiation in a sentence?

  1. They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.
  2. This was my initiation into the peace movement.
  3. The club has an initiation ceremony for new members.
  4. My initiation into the mysteries of home brewing was not a success.
  5. Lawyers for the couple have announced the initiation of divorce proceedings.

What is an example of initiation?

Examples of initiation ceremonies might include Christian baptism or confirmation, Jewish bar or bat mitzvah, acceptance into a fraternal organization, secret society or religious order, or graduation from school or recruit training.

What is a good sentence for initial?

Examples of initial in a Sentence She put her initials on each page of the contract.

What does it mean initiate?

transitive verb. 1 : to cause or facilitate the beginning of : set going initiate a program of reform enzymes that initiate fermentation. 2 : to induct into membership by or as if by special rites. 3 : to instruct in the rudiments or principles of something : introduce.

What does it mean to initiate action?

Taking prompt action to accomplish objectives; taking action to achieve goals beyond what is required; being proactive. Key Actions. • Responds quickly—Takes immediate action when confronted with a problem or when made aware of a situation.

What’s another word for initiation?

Some common synonyms of initiate are begin, commence, inaugurate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean “to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,” initiate implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue.

What is the opposite of initiation?

Opposite of the act of inaugurating or inducting into office or a position. discharge. removal. dismissal. expulsion.

What is another name for an initiation story?

Coming-of-Age Story A narrative in which a character—often a child or young person—first learns a significant, usually life-changing truth about the universe, society, people, or himself or herself; also called an initiation or rites-of-passage story.

What’s the opposite of Initiate?

What is the opposite of initiate?

expel oust
exclude discharge
evict bounce
eject terminate
throw out depose

What does surrender mean?

: to give oneself up into the power of another : yield. surrender. noun. Definition of surrender (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : the action of yielding one’s person or giving up the possession of something especially into the power of another..

Does God want us to ask for things?

He said, “Ask and you shall receive…” There is something about “asking” that God likes. The Lord wants us to ask Him for good things! When we ask God for something, it’s a humble acknowledgment that we are needy and He is our good and benevolent Father – willing to give us the things we desire.

Can you pray too much for something?

The short answer is “No, you cannot pray too much.” In other words, while you cannot pray too much, I believe it is possible to pray too much about certain things or certain desires, especially when the Holy Spirit is trying to move you forward but for some reason you won’t let a certain prayer request go.

Are you supposed to pray for money?

Praying for prosperity to achieve financial security and ability to help others is appropriate; praying to amass personal riches for a luxurious lifestyle is not. When a greedy person becomes wealthy, it’s not because God answered his or her prayers.

Why does God want us to give?

God’s motivation for giving was love; he gave himself in the person of Jesus; and God gave in response to our need. For Jesus and for us, motivation is everything when it comes to giving. A disciple of Jesus will give because of his/her gratitude for God’s gifts so freely given.

Do you get what you pray for?

The quick answer to this question is “no” — in Christian Science, as in any religion, one does not always get what one prays for. There’s so much more to prayer than simply asking God for something we need or want. An absolute, eternal Principle underlies them, that Principle being God Himself.

Can I pray for anything?

We really can pray about anything and everything. I love what it says in Philippians 4:6 NLT, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.