
How do you use back then in a sentence?

How do you use back then in a sentence?

Back then is essentially a conversational expression used at the beginning of a sentence when someone is recounting what things were like before or in the past as in: Back then we used to walk to school because there were no buses and we couldn’t afford a car.

What is another word for back then?

What is another word for back then?

then in those days
beforehand erstwhile
heretofore earlier on
time was some time ago
a while back in years gone by

Is it back then or back than?

The way to keep the pair straight is to focus on this basic difference: than is used when you’re talking about comparisons; then is used when you’re talking about something relating to time. Than is the word to choose in phrases like smaller than, smoother than, and further than.

What is another word for every now and then?

What is another word for every now and then?

sometimes now and then
every once in a while once and again
ever so often occasionally
sporadically irregularly
periodically infrequently

How often does occasionally mean?

occasionally typically means midway between “three to six times a year” and “about once or twice a month”; and very often typically means “about once a week.” One can see in the table that the difference in definition by topic, for each category, is roughly a full point on the rating scale.

What is the difference between occasionally and sometimes?

As adverbs the difference between occasionally and sometimes is that occasionally is from time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly while sometimes is on certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always.

How do you use occasionally?

“Strange things occasionally occur in that house.” “He occasionally goes to church.” “She occasionally eats alone.” “She occasionally misses tennis practice.”

Is there a comma after occasionally?

Comma “rules” are tricky. Conversely, if the occasionally was only the start of an introductory phrase then the same rule would have you not put a comma there, but after the rest of that phrase: Occasionally I play football with my friends, but I’m not a physically active person.

What type of word is occasionally?

adverb – Word

What is another word for occasionally?

What is another word for occasionally?

sometimes periodically
seldom infrequently
irregularly intermittently
sporadically spasmodically
uncommonly hardly

What do you mean by rarely?

1 : not often : seldom. 2 : with rare skill : excellently. 3 : in an extreme or exceptional manner.

What does rarely ever mean?

Nearly never; very infrequently; only on a few or rare occasions.

What is a word for not often?

What is another word for not often?

on and off intermittent
alternately fluctuating
inconstantly infrequently
intermittently irregularly
on-and-off sometimes

What is the meaning of infrequently?

adjective. happening or occurring at long intervals or rarely: infrequent visits. not constant, habitual, or regular: an infrequent visitor. not plentiful or many: infrequent opportunities for advancement.

What is the meaning of too often?

used for saying that something makes you sad or upset because it happens more often than you think it should. All too often, parents leave their children at home alone. Synonyms and related words. + Often and many times.

What is it called when you stop yourself from doing something?

refrain Add to list Share. Use the verb refrain if you have a sudden impulse to do something and you have stopped yourself from doing it.

What is the meaning of stop doing something?

To stop doing something means to finish/quit doing something. Stop to do something means to take a break/finish doing something else to do something. It sounds complicated, but some examples will help: “My dad stopped smoking a few years ago.”

Do you regret something in your life?

Not bad things happening to you, or the way that life has punched you in the face: regret is a deep sorrow about something you did, or something you failed to do. It’s anger at yourself for having enough information to have made the right decision, but making the wrong one – ie it’s about self-blame.