
How do you use a Supra?

How do you use a Supra?

To use supra, the first time you cite a source in your paper, give the full citation and at the end in square brackets place the short form that you are giving to the source; it can either be a short form of the case name or a short form of an article using the author’s last name. (CanLII) [Rodriguez].

Can you use ibid after Supra?

Ibid may be used after a supra, or even after another ibid. Supra: Latin word meaning “above.” Use supra when referring to a source for which you have already provided a full citation (but not the immediately preceding citation).

What is Supra in footnotes?

Supra (Latin for “above”) is an academic and legal citation signal used when a writer desires to refer a reader to an earlier-cited authority. For example, an author wanting to refer to a source in their third footnote would cite: See supra note 3.

How do you text a Supra?

Therefore, the most common format for a Supra short form citation consists of the author’s last name followed “supra,” offset by a comma. Immediately after “supra” is the word “note” in ordinary type, followed by the number of the footnote in which the authority was first cited in full: 15.

How do I use ID ibid supra?

If you cite one source multiple times, use ibid or supra after the first citation rather than repeating the full citation. Ibid is used when referring to the same source in the footnote immediately above. Ibid may be used after another ibid or after a supra.

Can ID follow Supra?

After providing a full citation of a periodical, you may use “id.” or “supra” in subsequent citations. Use “id.” to refer to periodical material cited in the immediately preceding citation. Otherwise, use the “supra” form (Rule 16.9).

What is the difference between infra and supra?

Supra refers to material that has already appeared in the document and it has its own rule at 4.2(a). Infra refers to material that appears later in the document, but never for books (see R15. 10).

What does supra mean Legal?

A Latin term meaning “above”. A word often used in legal writing to refer the reader to a portion that comes in earlier part of the document, case, or book.

What is opposite of Supra?

infra. prep. Latin for “below,” this is legal shorthand to indicate that the details or citation of a case will come later on in the brief. Infra is distinguished from supra, which shows that a case has already been cited “above.” The typical language is Jones v.

What does the prefix supra mean?

Latin. Prefix. Latin, from supra above, beyond, earlier; akin to Latin super over — more at over.

What does infra mean?

infra- a prefix meaning “below,” used, with second elements of any origin, in the formation of compound words: infrasonic; infrared.

What is infra law?

A Latin term meaning “below” or “under”. A word often used in legal writing to refer the reader to a portion of the document, case, or book that comes later. The opposite of supra.

What is Ibid law?

Law and Legal Definition. Ibid. is an abbreviation of the Latin term ibidem, meaning “in the same place; in the same book; on the same page.” It is also abbreviated as id. Ibid is used as a citation or reference for a source that was cited in the preceding citation, endnote, or footnote. …

Does Infra mean below?

Definition for infra (2 of 2) a prefix meaning “below,” used, with second elements of any origin, in the formation of compound words: infrasonic; infrared.

How is infra used in legal writing?

You would use “infra” only to refer to a point that is made in a later section of your document, as in the following example: “Even if this Court were to disagree, the District Court nonetheless erred because, as discussed in Part B. 2 infra, the Defendant’s right to counsel had already attached.”

How do you use Supra in a sentence?

Supra sentence example

  1. P sp, Supra – intestinal visceral ganglion on the course of the right visceral cord.
  2. ut supra ; Jerome, Ep.
  3. Section 47 of the act gives the tenant the same rights to compensation as if his holding had been a holding under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908 (vide supra ).

What does CF mean legal citation?

Cf. Authority supports by analogy. “Cf.” literally means “compare.” The citation will only appear relevant to the reader if it is explained. Consequently, in most cases a parenthetical explanations of the analogy should be included «e.g.».

Is there a comma after See also?

See, e.g., (followed by commas after both see and e.g.). The comma after the “e.g.” IS NOT underlined. Signals from common groups are separated by semicolons, not as separate sentences. Group I: no signal; e.g.; accord; see; see also; cf.

What does C F stand for?

The abbreviation cf. (short for the Latin: confer/conferatur, both meaning “compare”) is used in writing to refer the reader to other material to make a comparison with the topic being discussed.

What does CF mean in IG?

Close Friends

What is the difference between VS and V?

Both are accepted abbreviations of the word “versus.” The differences come in correct usage. Both are accepted abbreviations of the word “versus.” The differences come in correct usage. “v.” is the correct Blue Book legal form for case citations (Baker v. Carr, Pennoyer v.

Can you say verse instead of Versus?

Versus is a preposition meaning “against,” while its homophone verses is the plural form of the noun “verse,” such as a line from a song or poem. “Versus” has many variants and shorthands, like “vs.” and “v.”, but “verses” is not one of them.