How do you spell worn as in worn out?

How do you spell worn as in worn out?

wear out,

  1. to make or become unfit or useless through hard or extended use: to wear out clothes.
  2. to expend, consume, or remove, especially slowly or gradually.
  3. to exhaust, as by continued strain; weary: This endless bickering is wearing me out.

What does too hard resist mean?

be unable to resist (doing) somethingHe was unable to resist the temptation to smoke. hard/difficult to resistThe temptation to follow them was hard to resist. impossible to resistThe urge to give him a hug was almost impossible to resist.

What is it called when you resist something?

Some common synonyms of resist are combat, oppose, and withstand. While all these words mean “to set oneself against someone or something,” resist implies an overt recognition of a hostile or threatening force and a positive effort to counteract or repel it.

How do you resist something?

Distract yourself. Instead, research has shown that distracting yourself by doing something fun or that engages your mind can help fight temptation. You might try meditating, yoga, going for a jog, or meeting up with friends. Whatever you choose to do to distract yourself, throw yourself into it completely.

What’s the opposite of resisting?

Antonyms: surrender, give up. Synonyms: baulk, reject, change course, gybe, stand, hold out, fend, withstand, balk, dissent, jib, stand firm, defy, refuse, protest, jibe.

What’s the opposite of resistance?

nonaggression. Noun. ▲ Opposite of resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument. acquiescence.

Is receptivity a word?

Your receptivity is your ability and willingness to take in information or ideas. An audience’s receptivity to a stand up comedian helps to make her performance a success. The noun receptivity is useful for describing someone’s openness, especially to new ideas or different opinions.

What’s an example of resistance?

Resistance is defined as a refusal to give in or to something that slows down or prevents something. An example of resistance is a child fighting against her kidnapper. An example of resistance is wind against the wings of a plane.

What is a resistant person?

The definition of resistant is someone or something that fends off or works against. An example of someone resistant is a older person who doesn’t want to use email; resistant to change. An example of something resistant is a bug that isn’t dying even though you’ve sprayed it with pesticide; resistant to spray.

What are examples of antibiotic resistance?

Important examples are:

  • methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  • vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
  • multi-drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
  • carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) gut bacteria.

What are the causes of resistance?

Resistance is caused in a conductor by the free electrons. These free electrons collide with each other and with the ions and atoms that oppose their free movement.

What is meant by antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotic resistance happens when germs like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. That means the germs are not killed and continue to grow. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat….

How do you overcome antibiotic resistance?

Here are more tips to promote proper use of antibiotics.

  1. Take the antibiotics as prescribed.
  2. Do not skip doses.
  3. Do not save antibiotics.
  4. Do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else.
  5. Talk with your health care professional.
  6. All drugs have side effects.