
How do you spell pretty sure?

How do you spell pretty sure?

Pretty sure does NOT mean totally sure – that’s to say certain. Adding pretty is a way of hedging your bets when you express an opinion but want to leave yourself with a get-out in case you’re wrong. It’s equivalent to saying I’m almost sure.

Is it polite to say sure?

“Sure” if said politely is an affirmative alternative to saying “yes”. To be polite it’s always good to say “Sure, I would like to …” or “Sure, that would be nice…” Which is still dependent on how you say these words. If you say them sarcastically then it would be rude.

What is the meaning of quite sure?

1 to the greatest extent; completely or absolutely.

What does pretty mean?

1a : artful, clever. b : pat, apt. 2a : pleasing by delicacy or grace. b : having conventionally accepted elements of beauty. c : appearing or sounding pleasant or nice but lacking strength, force, manliness, purpose, or intensity pretty words that make no sense— Elizabeth B.

Is it better to be attractive or pretty?

Attractive can simply be defined as appealing to the senses, sexually appealing or else having qualities that arouse interest. The main difference is that while the word pretty is used to describe the outward appearance of a person, the word attractive has a wider scope, which ranges from appearance to personality….

How can I be attractive when Im not pretty?

26 Ways To Feel More Attractive If You Consider Yourself ‘Ugly’

  1. Stand up straighter. “Work on their posture: sitting, standing, walking.
  2. Buy clothes that fit well. “Get clothes that fit well.
  3. Pay attention to your hygiene. “Hygiene and clothing are important.
  4. Whiten your teeth.
  5. Be careful about what you eat.
  6. Wear perfume or cologne.
  7. Smile more.
  8. Moisturize and exfoliate.

What are signs you’re unattractive?

15 Signs You’re Unattractive And You Don’t Even Realize It

  1. 1 You turn down invitations. via: cammy.com.
  2. 2 People avoid you.
  3. 3 Your friends are gone.
  4. 4 You Have A Bad attitude.
  5. 5 You Have A Dirty mouth.
  6. 6 You Avoid your reflection.
  7. 7 You Have Terrible Food Habits.
  8. 8 Goodbye exercise.

How do you know you are obsessed with someone?

repeated texts, emails, and phone calls to the person they’re interested in. a constant need for reassurance. difficulty having friendships or maintaining contact with family members because of the obsession over one person. monitoring the actions of the other person….