
How do you spell focussing or focusing?

How do you spell focussing or focusing?

Summary: Focused or Focussed?

  1. Focused (one “s”) is the standard spelling of this term in modern English.
  2. Focussed (with a double “s”) is a rare variant spelling, although it is more common in British and Australian English than it is in American English.

How do you spell fox?

Correct spelling for the English word “fox” is [fˈɒks], [fˈɒks], [f_ˈɒ_k_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for FOX

  1. foxx,
  2. fosse,
  3. foe,
  4. box,
  5. SOX,
  6. foxy,
  7. fix,
  8. ox,

Is Foxes a real word?

FOX The plural is foxes.

What is Fox slang for?

US, Slang. a person, esp. a woman, who is attractive, esp. sexually attractive.

How do you spell more than one fox?

The plural of fox is foxen. The plural of Fox is Foxen.

Will a fox kill a dog?

They are rarely a threat to cats or dogs. That said, they are predators, and they do like to eat mice and even rabbits, so it’s conceivable that one could attack and kill a cat or small dog, but I think that would be incredibly rare, and I’ve never heard of such a thing happening.

Can foxes kill cats?

Foxes pose little danger to cats. Generally, though, when faced with the claws and teeth of a cat, foxes will back away, knowing they will probably suffer a serious injury in any fight. However, foxes will scavenge the remains of dead cats, but actual evidence of them killing cats is extremely rare.

Would a fox eat a bird?

Foxes have a really diverse diet. They are expert hunters, catching rabbits, rodents, birds, frogs and earthworms as well as eating carrion. But they aren’t carnivorous – they are actually omnivores as they dine on berries and fruit too.

Can you befriend a fox?

If you want to, yes; lots of people feed foxes, either regularly or occasionally, and get a great deal of enjoyment from doing so, but please be aware they are wild animals – feed and watch them, but don’t try and tame them. In particular, don’t put out excessive amounts of food and clear away any uneaten food.

Which dog is closest to a wolf?

Dog Breeds Closely Related to Wolves

  • Saluki. Salukis originally are a Middle Eastern dog and are one of the oldest dog breeds out there, going back to 10,000 BC.
  • Afghan Hound. This breed is very similar to the Saluki in the sense that it is another one of the oldest domestic breeds.
  • Alaskan Malamute.
  • Siberian Husky.
  • Shih Tzu.
  • Pekingese.
  • Lhasa Apso.
  • Shiba Inu.