
How do you spell biscuit in English?

How do you spell biscuit in English?

Correct spelling for the English word “biscuit” is [bˈɪskɪt], [bˈɪskɪt], [b_ˈɪ_s_k_ɪ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell Bisquit or biscuit?

The word listed above (biscuit) is probably the correct spelling for the word that you entered (bisquit). This is just an educated guess based on commonly misspelled words.

What does the word biscuit mean?

A biscuit is “any of various hard or crisp dry baked product” similar to the American English terms cracker or cookie, or “a small quick bread made from dough that has been rolled out and cut or dropped from a spoon”.

What does biscuit mean in British slang?

To most of the rest of the English-speaking world, a biscuit is what Americans would refer to as either a cookie or a cracker. A British biscuit is an American cookie and an American cookie is a British cookie and an American biscuit is a British scone and an American scone is something else entirely.

What is a biscuit girl?

Girl under legal age who has potential to be hot when older. She’s definitely a biscuit.

Is Biscuit a girl?

Biscuit likes to act and look like a young girl. Her overall aspect is reminiscent of a porcelain doll. She is often shown wearing a sleeveless dress and a bloomer with a mantle and skirt donned over it, along with gloves and plain leather shoes.

What does kiss my biscuit mean?

What does kiss my biscuit mean? Composition. Musically, “Biscuit” is a pop song in which Levan sings about kissing her “biscuit”, which is a euphemism for her buttocks, derived from the Southern expression “butter my butt and call me a biscuit”….

Does biscuit mean gun?

A generic gun becomes a ‘biscuit’, or a ‘gat’. If you’re talking about a 9-mm handgun it’s a ‘nine’, or a ‘pump’ for a shotguns. In Jamaica a gun is a ‘puppy’. In Russia, organised crime members talk of a ‘Fat Boris’ to describe a scammer posing as an attractive woman….

Who is the leader of the Crips?

Stanley Tookie Williams III

Do Crips outnumber Bloods?

Crips outnumber Bloods nearly 3-to-1, and most killings–both before and after the truce–have stemmed from rivalries between Crip factions….

Who started crip walk?

Robert “Sugar Bear” Jackson

What color is the Crips?


Is Crip Walking illegal?

Crip Walking — or “C-Walking” — is the latest dance trend to achieve outlaw status, after several Los Angeles high schools banned it for its gang connotations….

How did Crips get their name?

The “Crips” derive their name from “cripples,” which in turn derives from the “pimp canes” they carried as their badge and as a weapon with which to cripple anyone who messed with them. The original motivation was self-defense, but that, of course, changed with time.