How do you say hello in Elvish?

How do you say hello in Elvish?

In Quenya, general greetings and thanks include “namárië” (be well), “aiya” (hello), and “hara máriessë” (stay in happiness).

How do you say good morning in Sindarin?

For morning you can use Arduil = Early morning (reconstructed) or you can use Calan = Period of light (not just morning, but the Elves split their days into periods of light and periods of dark). Le hannon!

How do you say thank you in Sindarin?

Mae govannen Elvellyn! — How to Thank in Sindarin.

What does Mellon mean in Elvish?

Mellon – The Elvish word for “Friend.” Used by Gandalf to open the gates to the mines of Moria. Mithrin – Sindarin word for ‘Grey’. “Ered Mithrin”- is the Grey Mountains.

What is wolf in Elvish?

In Quenya, one of the words for “wolf” is ñarmo or narmo. Cognates, also meaning “wolf”, are Exilic Noldorin draug and Doriathrin drôg. In Gnomish, one of Tolkien’s early conceptions of an Elven language, “wolf” is harog or harw; “a she-wolf” is harach; Qenya has ulku “wolf”.

What is the Elvish word for Starlight?


How do you say good morning in Elvish?

A collection of useful phrases in Quenya, a member of the Amanya branch of the Elvish language family invented by J.R.R. Tolkien….Useful phrases in Quenya.

Phrase Quenya
I’m from …
Pleased to meet you Vandë omentaina Saesa omentien lle (Pleasure meeting you)
Good morning (Morning greeting)
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting)

What does Arwen mean in Elvish?

Noble Maiden

What did Tolkien base Elvish on?

The phonology and grammar of Quenya are strongly influenced by Finnish, Latin, Greek and elements of ancient Germanic languages, and Sindarin is strongly influenced by Welsh. Tolkien conceived a family tree of Elvish languages, all descending from a common ancestor called Primitive Quendian.

Are elves short?

Post-Tolkien fantasy elves (popularized by the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game) tend to be beautiful, fair, and close in size to humans (usually taller, sometimes shorter). A hallmark of fantasy elves is also their long and pointed ears.

Why are the elves immortal?

The elves, or the Eldar, are immortal in the sense that they cannot die from illness or old age, however they can be slain. If they do die, they are summoned to the Halls of Mandos on Valinor, where they may eventually be returned to a physical form, although only in Valinor.