
How do you respond to Cuántos años tienes?

How do you respond to Cuántos años tienes?

cuantos anos tienes means how old are you. So you would reply back with tengo ocho anos If you were 8, and so on.

Is cuantos anos tienes formal or informal?

– Talking about age – Coffee Break Spanish To Go Episode 1.05. How old are you? (informal) – ¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? (formal) – ¿Cuántos años tiene usted?

What is the Spanish word for the number 66?

Number English (pronunciation) Spanish (pronunciation)
65 sixty-five (SIX-tee-FIVE) sesenta y cinco (seh-SEHN-tah ee SINK-o)
66 sixty-six (SIX-tee-SIX) sesenta y seis (seh-SEHN-tah ee saze)
67 sixty-seven (SIX-tee-SEV-en) sesenta y siete (seh-SEHN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
68 sixty-eight (SIX-tee-ATE) sesenta y ocho (seh-SEHN-tah ee OCH-o)

How do you say 20 in English?

So it’s not strange to hear ‘twenty’ being pronounced twen-nee. It’s a feature of ‘informal’ speech and is increasingly common in the US.

How do I ask my age in English?

The most common ways of asking someone’s age is English is: How old are you? Or How old is your brother/sister?

  1. I am 25 years old.
  2. I am 25.
  3. I am 25 years of age (this is a very formal way of expressing age)
  4. I am 25 years. (
  5. My fried has two sons aged 8 and 10. (
  6. My friend has a daughter aged 5. (

Who should be introduced first?

First, introduce men and boys to women and girls; and younger people to older people. In translation, this means to mention first the name of the person to whom you’re making the introduction. (When the introduction involves two people of the same sex and approximately the same age, the order doesn’t matter.)

What should I say in my introduction?

A self-introduction should include your name and occupation (or desired occupation) and key facts that will help you make an impression on the person you’re speaking to. In a few sentences, cover the most important things that others need to know about you.