How do you reflect over X?

How do you reflect over X?

The rule for reflecting over the X axis is to negate the value of the y-coordinate of each point, but leave the x-value the same. For example, when point P with coordinates (5,4) is reflecting across the X axis and mapped onto point P’, the coordinates of P’ are (5,-4).

How do you use coordinates?

Coordinates are ordered pairs of numbers; the first number number indicates the point on the x axis and the second the point on the y axis. When reading or plotting coordinates you always go across first and then up (a good way to remember this is: ‘across the landing and up the stairs’).

What is an X and Y chart called?

A line graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. The line graph comprises of two axes known as ‘x’ axis and ‘y’ axis. The horizontal axis is known as the x-axis.

What is it called when a graph has a straight line?

The formal term to describe a straight line graph is linear, whether or not it goes through the origin, and the relationship between the two variables is called a linear relationship. Similarly, the relationship shown by a curved graph is called non-linear.

What do you call a straight line?

A point is the simplest figure in geometry. Yet when you have two points, if you connect every point between those two points, you have a straight line. Points on a line are collinear (col = “with,” or “together” and linear = “string,” or “line”).

Can a line not be straight?

A line can be straight or curved. In geometry, the word line means a straight line. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. A straight line is the line traced by a point moving in a direction that does not change.

What is another name for straight angle?

flat angle

Is a 120 degree angle obtuse acute or right?

The angle measure ranges from 90° to 180°. An obtuse angle can also be found out if we have the measure of the acute angle. In the picture above, line segment DO intersects line segment OQ at point O and forms an angle DOQ measuring 120°. Thus, it is an obtuse angle.

Which side of Def is the longest?

Side opposite to greatest angle is the longest side….